[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Introduction" by WolfgangSchweer
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The "DebianEdu/Introduction" page has been changed by WolfgangSchweer:
drop historic/outdated information
At about the same time, Raphael Herzog started the Debian Edu project in France to create an education-related meta-packages collection, and the two projects joined forces in 2003.
Soon Debian Edu/Skolelinux's importance grew and it became associated with the "Free Software in Schools" organization (earlier called "Linux in schools") which was founded on July 16, 2001. During 2002, German teachers, developers and translators joined Skolelinux. In 2003, Skolelinux incrementally became included as a standard part of Debian, and since then, many developers from around the world have collaborated on the project. During 2009 Skolelinux was tested in a pilot phase at eleven Norway schools, and also introduced in Hamburg schools.
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- Nowadays the project has established cooperation with many other free educational software projects such as LTSP, gnuLinEx, Edubuntu, K12LTSP, KDE, Gnome, Firefox and OpenOffice.org.
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== Debian Edu or Skolelinux? ==
At some point during the spring and summer of 2001 both Debian Edu and Skolelinux projects began as independent attempts to create a GNU/Linux distribution for educational purposes. Raphael Herzog started Debian Edu project as a member of a group called IIRC with the objective of creating education-related meta-packages and Skolelinux started from a Norwegian group as a project intended to create a CD distribution.
After some initial collaboration, the French group left package maintenance to the Norwegian group which started to include them on their CD. By that time people all over the world were contributing, and at that point both projects effectively became one. Some say that Debian Edu is the name of the project, and Skolelinux is the name of the distribution, but in practice '''both names now actually refer to the same project.'''
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== Project objectives ==
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