[debian-edu-commits] [Git][debian-edu/debian-edu-config][master] 3 commits: Drop workaround scripts for bugs that got fixed in xfce4 4.14.0

WolfgangSchweer gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Sun Sep 22 01:45:38 BST 2019

WolfgangSchweer pushed to branch master at Debian Edu / debian-edu-config

b24a00b1 by Wolfgang Schweer at 2019-09-22T00:25:30Z
Drop workaround scripts for bugs that got fixed in xfce4 4.14.0

- - - - -
598bb404 by Wolfgang Schweer at 2019-09-22T00:33:44Z
Adjust cf3/cf.workarounds and Makefile

- - - - -
557c6b8b by Wolfgang Schweer at 2019-09-22T00:43:29Z
Add changelog entries for last commits.

- - - - -

5 changed files:

- Makefile
- cf3/cf.workarounds
- debian/changelog
- − share/debian-edu-config/55xfce4-session-debian-edu
- − share/debian-edu-config/edu-xfce4-panel.xml


@@ -383,8 +383,6 @@ install: install-testsuite
 		share/debian-edu-config/passwords_stub.dat \
 		share/debian-edu-config/gosa.conf.template \
 		share/debian-edu-config/udisks2.patch \
-		share/debian-edu-config/edu-xfce4-panel.xml \
-		share/debian-edu-config/55xfce4-session-debian-edu \
 		share/debian-edu-config/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf \
 		share/debian-edu-config/sudo-ldap.conf \
 		share/debian-edu-config/edu-firefox-nfs \

@@ -3,18 +3,6 @@ bundle agent workarounds
-  debian.xfce.installation::
-  # Adjust panel-2, workaround for #913610; remove linking the edu file
-  # once the bug is fixed.
-    "/etc/xdg/xfce4/panel/default.xml"
-      link_from => ln_s("/usr/share/debian-edu-config/edu-xfce4-panel.xml"),
-      move_obstructions => "true";
-  # Suppress first-start panel question.
-    "/etc/X11/Xsession.d/55xfce4-session-debian-edu"
-      link_from => ln_s("/usr/share/debian-edu-config/55xfce4-session-debian-edu");
   # Provide valid squid resolv.conf, remove linking the edu file
   # once bug #911325 is fixed.

@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+debian-edu-config (2.11.2) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+  * Drop workaround scripts for bugs that got fixed in xfce4 4.14.0:
+    - share/debian-edu-config/edu-xfce4-panel.xml
+    - share/debian-edu-config/55xfce4-session-debian-edu
+  * Adjust cf3/cf.workarounds and Makefile.
+ -- Wolfgang Schweer <wschweer at arcor.de>  Sun, 22 Sep 2019 02:35:19 +0200
 debian-edu-config (2.11.1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * d/control:

share/debian-edu-config/55xfce4-session-debian-edu deleted
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-case "$BASESTARTUP" in
-  xfce4-session|startxfce4)
-    if [ -z "$XFCE_PANEL_MIGRATE_DEFAULT" ]; then
-    fi
-    ;;

share/debian-edu-config/edu-xfce4-panel.xml deleted
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<channel name="xfce4-panel" version="1.0">
-  <property name="configver" type="int" value="2"/>
-  <property name="panels" type="array">
-    <value type="int" value="1"/>
-    <value type="int" value="2"/>
-    <property name="panel-1" type="empty">
-      <property name="position" type="string" value="p=6;x=0;y=0"/>
-      <property name="length" type="uint" value="100"/>
-      <property name="position-locked" type="bool" value="true"/>
-      <property name="size" type="uint" value="30"/>
-      <property name="plugin-ids" type="array">
-        <value type="int" value="1"/>
-        <value type="int" value="3"/>
-        <value type="int" value="15"/>
-        <value type="int" value="4"/>
-        <value type="int" value="5"/>
-        <value type="int" value="6"/>
-        <value type="int" value="2"/>
-      </property>
-    </property>
-    <property name="panel-2" type="empty">
-      <property name="position" type="string" value="p=10;x=0;y=0"/>
-      <property name="position-locked" type="bool" value="true"/>
-      <property name="plugin-ids" type="array">
-        <value type="int" value="7"/>
-        <value type="int" value="8"/>
-        <value type="int" value="9"/>
-        <value type="int" value="10"/>
-        <value type="int" value="11"/>
-        <value type="int" value="12"/>
-        <value type="int" value="20"/>
-        <value type="int" value="13"/>
-        <value type="int" value="14"/>
-      </property>
-    </property>
-  </property>
-  <property name="plugins" type="empty">
-    <property name="plugin-1" type="string" value="applicationsmenu"/>
-    <property name="plugin-2" type="string" value="actions"/>
-    <property name="plugin-3" type="string" value="tasklist"/>
-    <property name="plugin-15" type="string" value="separator">
-      <property name="expand" type="bool" value="true"/>
-      <property name="style" type="uint" value="0"/>
-    </property>
-    <property name="plugin-4" type="string" value="pager"/>
-    <property name="plugin-5" type="string" value="clock"/>
-    <property name="plugin-6" type="string" value="systray"/>
-    <property name="plugin-7" type="string" value="showdesktop"/>
-    <property name="plugin-8" type="string" value="separator"/>
-    <property name="plugin-9" type="string" value="launcher">
-      <property name="items" type="array">
-        <value type="string" value="exo-terminal-emulator.desktop"/>
-      </property>
-    </property>
-    <property name="plugin-10" type="string" value="launcher">
-      <property name="items" type="array">
-        <value type="string" value="exo-file-manager.desktop"/>
-      </property>
-    </property>
-    <property name="plugin-11" type="string" value="launcher">
-      <property name="items" type="array">
-        <value type="string" value="exo-web-browser.desktop"/>
-      </property>
-    </property>
-    <property name="plugin-12" type="string" value="launcher">
-      <property name="items" type="array">
-        <value type="string" value="xfce4-appfinder.desktop"/>
-      </property>
-    </property>
-    <property name="plugin-13" type="string" value="separator"/>
-    <property name="plugin-14" type="string" value="directorymenu"/>
-    <property name="plugin-20" type="string" value="pulseaudio">
-      <property name="enable-keyboard-shortcuts" type="bool" value="true"/>
-    </property>
-  </property>

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-edu/debian-edu-config/compare/7f389824a1f508f8bf807565eebe3ddcbc87defe...557c6b8b918546a8e2fafe1248bbad61c34f9427

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-edu/debian-edu-config/compare/7f389824a1f508f8bf807565eebe3ddcbc87defe...557c6b8b918546a8e2fafe1248bbad61c34f9427
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