[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Documentation/Bullseye/Upgrades" by WolfgangSchweer

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Wed Feb 19 15:03:49 GMT 2020

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The "DebianEdu/Documentation/Bullseye/Upgrades" page has been changed by WolfgangSchweer:

adjust for re-written LTSP

   * After reboot, do some more cleanup:
- FIXME {{{
+ {{{
- apt purge linux-image-4.9.0-*
+ apt purge linux-image-4.19.0-*
- apt purge linux-headers-4.9.0-*
+ apt purge linux-headers-4.19.0-*
  apt --purge autoremove
@@ -92, +92 @@

  Do all the basic things like on the main-server and without doing the things not needed.
- === Upgrading LTSP chroots ===
- Make sure you have enough disk space. LTSP uses Network Block Device (NBD).
- The NBD image file size is about 4 GiB (default installation). If the image is updated, another 4 GiB for a temporary file are needed.
- Also please note that the default LTSP architecture was i386 for Buster. See below how to create a chroot for 64-bit-PCs (amd64).
- {{{
- ltsp-chroot -m -a i386 apt update
- ltsp-chroot -m -a i386 apt -y full-upgrade
- sed -i 's/Buster/Bullseye/g' /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/apt/sources.list
- ltsp-chroot -m -a i386 apt update
- ltsp-chroot -m -a i386 apt -y full-upgrade
- ltsp-chroot -m -a i386 apt -f install
- ltsp-chroot -m -a i386 apt -y full-upgrade
- }}}
-  * Cleaning up:
- {{{
- ltsp-chroot -m -a i386 apt --purge autoremove
- }}}
-  * Update LTSP support on the server side:
- {{{
- ltsp-update-kernels
- ltsp-update-sshkeys
- ltsp-update-image
- }}}
- To save disk space, {{{ltsp-update-image -n}}} could be used instead; see {{{man ltsp-update-image}}}. 
- === Recreating an LTSP chroot ===
- On the LTSP server(s) the LTSP chroot could also be recreated. The new chroot will still  support both thin-clients and diskless workstations. Please note: As of Bullseye, the LTSP chroot arch defaults to the one used for the server side.
- Remove {{{/opt/ltsp/i386}}} (or {{{/opt/ltsp/amd64}}}, depending on your setup). If you have enough diskspace, consider backing it up. 
- See {{{ltsp-build-client --help}}} and {{{ltsp-build-client --extra-help}}} for more information about options. The file ''/etc/ltsp/ltsp-build-client.conf'' contains some useful (commented) options.
- Recreate the chroot by running {{{ltsp-build-client}}} as root.
- === Add additional LTSP chroot to support 64-bit-PC clients  ===
- At least 20 GiB additional disk space on /opt is required.
-  * Run "ltsp-build-client --arch amd64" to create chroot and NBD image.
-  * Use "ldapvi -ZD '(cn=admin)'" to replace {{{i386}}} with {{{amd64}}} (dhcp statements in LDAP for one dedicated network).
-  * Run "service isc-dhcp-server restart".
-  * Edit /etc/debian-edu/pxeinstall.conf (set ltsparch=amd64).
-  * Run 'debian-edu-pxeinstall' to regenerate the PXE menu.
-  * Run 'service nbd-service restart' to serve the new NBD file.
  == Upgrades from older Debian Edu / Skolelinux installations (before Buster) ==
  To upgrade from any older release, you will need to upgrade to the Buster based Debian Edu release first, before you can follow the instructions provided above. Instructions are given in the [[DebianEdu/Documentation/Buster|Manual for Debian Edu Buster]] about how to upgrade to Buster from the previous release, Stretch. Likewise the Stretch manual describes how to upgrade from Jessie.

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