[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Status/Bullseye" by WolfgangSchweer
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Sat Jul 18 10:08:38 BST 2020
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The "DebianEdu/Status/Bullseye" page has been changed by WolfgangSchweer:
rc bug (credentials encrypt/decrypt) fixed w/ gosa v2.7.4+reloaded3-12
* This page is our main overview/tracker for the status of Debian Edu Bullseye. In addition to this we have a list of [[http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?usertag=debian-edu@lists.debian.org|all bugs user-tagged "debian-edu"]].
== Installation ==
- Main server installation is broken due to fatal GOSa² bug (DebianBug:964318) also present in /usr/sbin/gosa-encrypt-passwords (breaking LDAP setup).
{i} At first boot of a combined server or a separate LTSP server the image for diskless workstation support is generated. This will take quite some time.
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* add Bullseye artwork once Debian has chosen a theme; in the meantime the futurePrototype theme is used (updated to show the Bullseye version number 11).
* major manual update due to LTSP changes.
* GOsa²: Fatal error when opening user list, see DebianBug:941165 (also for a possible workaround).
- * GOSa²: password encryption/decryption broken with PHP 7.4, see DebianBug:964318.
* GOSa²: deprecated implode() function usage with PHP 7.4 messes up GUI items, see DebianBug:964600.
== Known problems that need to be fixed elsewhere ==
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== Fixed and done ==
+ * GOSa²: password encryption/decryption broken with PHP 7.4, see DebianBug:964318.
* Mail server configuration is broken after Exim upgrade to exim4 4.94
* major LTSP update in bullseye, see https://lists.debian.org/debian-edu/2019/11/msg00037.html
* LTSP 19.x: 'ltsp image /' fails to generate usable image, see DebianBug:946946. For a workaround see the bugreport. [The command stills fails but LTSP 20.x now provides a way to generate the image in case of advanced partitioning.]
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