[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Documentation/Bullseye/Maintenance" by WolfgangSchweer
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Mon Jan 18 20:46:15 GMT 2021
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The "DebianEdu/Documentation/Bullseye/Maintenance" page has been changed by WolfgangSchweer:
update after Icinga related changes
LC_ALL=C apt full-upgrade -y
- cf-agent -D installation # On upgrades of debian-edu-config
- /!\ After upgrading the {{{debian-edu-config}}} package, changed Cfengine configuration files might be available. Run {{{ls -ltr /etc/cfengine3/debian-edu/}}} to check if this is the case. To apply the changes, run {{{cf-agent -D installation}}}.
+ /!\ After upgrading the {{{debian-edu-config}}} package, changed Cfengine configuration files might be available. Run {{{ls -ltr /etc/cfengine3/debian-edu/}}} to check if this is the case. To apply the changes, run {{{LC_ALL=C cf-agent -D installation}}}.
- /!\ It is important to run {{{ltsp image /}}} after LTSP server upgrades to keep the SquashFS image for diskless clients in sync.
+ /!\ It is important to run {{{debian-edu-ltsp-install --diskless_workstation yes}}} after LTSP server upgrades to keep the SquashFS image for diskless clients menu in sync.
It is also a good idea to install {{{cron-apt}}} and {{{apt-listchanges}}} and configure them to send mail to an address you are reading.
@@ -76, +75 @@
=== Icinga ===
- Icinga system and service monitoring is available from [[https://www/icinga/]]. The set of machines and services being monitored is automatically generated using information collected by the sitesummary system. The machines with the profile Main-server and LTSP-server receive full monitoring, while workstations and thin clients receive simple monitoring. To enable full monitoring on a workstation, install the {{{nagios-nrpe-server}}} package on the workstation.
+ Icinga system and service monitoring is available from [[https://www/icingaweb2/]]. The set of machines and services being monitored is automatically generated using information collected by the sitesummary system. The machines with the profile Main-server and LTSP-server receive full monitoring, while workstations and thin clients receive simple monitoring. To enable full monitoring on a workstation, install the {{{nagios-nrpe-server}}} package on the workstation.
- The username is {{{icingaadmin}}} and the default password is {{{skolelinux}}}.
- For security reasons, avoid using the same password as root. To change the password you can run the following command as root:
- {{{
- htpasswd /etc/icinga/htpasswd.users icingaadmin
- }}}
By default Icinga does not send email. This can be changed by replacing {{{notify-by-nothing}}} with {{{host-notify-by-email}}} and {{{notify-by-email}}} in the file {{{/etc/icinga/sitesummary-template-contacts.cfg}}}.
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