[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Documentation/Bullseye/HowTo/NetworkClients" by WolfgangSchweer
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Tue Jan 19 14:42:34 GMT 2021
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The "DebianEdu/Documentation/Bullseye/HowTo/NetworkClients" page has been changed by WolfgangSchweer:
try to improve content following Holger's review
For information about LTSP in general, see the [[https://ltsp.org| LTSP homepage]]. On systems with ''LTSP server'' profile, {{{man ltsp}}} provides more information.
+ The ''debian-edu-ltsp-install'' tool is a wrapper script for {{{ltsp image}}}, {{{ltsp kernel}}} and {{{ltsp ipxe}}}. It is used to setup and configure diskless workstation support; in addition thin clients (both 64-Bit and 32-Bit PC) are supported using !X2Go. See {{{man debian-edu-ltsp-install}}} or the script content to see how it works. All configuration is contained in the script itself (here documents) to facilitate site specific adjustments.
Please note that the ''ltsp'' tool has to be used carefully. For example, {{{ltsp image /}}} would fail to generate the SquashFS image in case of Debian machines, and {{{ltsp ipxe}}} would fail to generate the iPXE menu correctly.
- The ''debian-edu-ltsp-install'' tool is a wrapper script for {{{ltsp image}}}, {{{ltsp kernel}}} and {{{ltsp ipxe}}}. It is used to setup and configure diskless workstation support; in addition thin clients (both 64-Bit and 32-Bit PC) are supported using !X2Go. See {{{man debian-edu-ltsp-install}}} or the script content to see how it works. All configuration is contained in the script itself (here documents) to facilitate site specific adjustments.
- Examples how to use ''debian-edu-ltsp-install'':
+ Examples how to use the wrapper script ''debian-edu-ltsp-install'' instead:
* {{{debian-edu-ltsp-install --arch amd64}}} creates 64-bit diskless workstation support.
* {{{debian-edu-ltsp-install --arch amd64 --dist bullseye --thin_type bare}}} creates diskless workstation and 64-bit thin client support.
* {{{debian-edu-ltsp-install --arch i386 --diskless_workstation no --thin_type bare}}} creates additional 32-bit thin client support.
@@ -204, +204 @@
* https://www.intern/freeradius-ca.pem (for end user devices running Linux)
* https://www.intern/freeradius-ca.crt (Linux, Android)
* https://www.intern/freeradius-ca.der (macOS, iOS, iPadOS, Windows)
- Please note that configuring end user devices will be a real challenge.
+ Please note that configuring end user devices will be a real challenge due to the variety of devices. For Windows devices an installer script could be created, for Apple devices a mobileconfig file. In both cases the freeRADIUS CA certificate can be integrated, but OS specific tools are needed to create the scripts.
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