[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/ReleaseNotes/Bullseye" by WolfgangSchweer

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Mon Mar 1 14:36:47 GMT 2021

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The "DebianEdu/ReleaseNotes/Bullseye" page has been changed by WolfgangSchweer:

add Debian Edu Bullseye release check list

New page:
== Release announcement mails ==

/!\ Remember to replace XXX marked text.

Debian Edu Bullseye will be released at the same time as Debian Bullseye (planned date: XXX).

The Debian publicity team will send the Debian Edu release announcement mail one day after that date.
In addition, announcement mails from the Debian Edu team go to...

'''English -- To:''' debian-edu-announce (at) lists.debian.org, debian-edu (at) lists.debian.org, linuxiskolen (at) skolelinux.no, debian-edu-german (at) lists.debian.org, bruker (at) skolelinux.no, debian-edu-french (at) lists.debian.org, styret (at) skolelinux.no, annonsering (at) nuug.no, pressemelding (at) nuug.no

/!\ Remember the debian-edu-announce@ list is a moderated one; emails need to to be accepted by a list moderator (or need to be signed by a DD).

For translated announcements, the announcement mail should contain a link to the translation on [[https://www.debian.org/News/|debian.org/News]] (and thus could be short); they are sent to these recipients...

'''Bokmal/Norway -- To:''' linuxiskolen (at) skolelinux.no, bruker (at) skolelinux.no, styret (at) skolelinux.no, annonsering (at) nuug.no, pressemelding (at) nuug.no

'''German -- To:''' debian-edu-german (at) lists.debian.org

'''French -- To:''' debian-edu-french (at) lists.debian.org


== Release announcement draft ==

To be able to use the Debian publicity infrastructure more easily, the draft is kept in the Debian publicity team's announcements.git; see:


The announcement has been translated into: XXX.  


{{{git clone git at salsa.debian.org:publicity-team/announcements.git}}}


== Checks before the release ==

/!\ The image URLs are valid at release time; to check items before, use the corresponding Debian Installer RC XXX images, available on https://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/.bullseye_di_rcXXX/debian-cd/. 

 * Set release version in:
  * [ (./) ] d-e-install and [ (./) ] upload the package early enough before the release.
  * [ (./) ] d-e-doc
 * [  ] Coordinate release with the Debian CD team.
 * Test if ISO images are usable for installations:
  * [  ] BD image https://get.debian.org/cdimage/release/current/amd64/iso-bd/
  * [  ] BD image https://get.debian.org/cdimage/release/current/i386/iso-bd/
  * [  ] NETINST image: https://get.debian.org/cdimage/release/current/amd64/iso-cd/
  * [  ] NETINST image: https://get.debian.org/cdimage/release/current/i386/iso-cd/
 * Check if BD images are usable in offline mode. 
  * [  ] amd64
  * [  ] i386
 * Test if a standard installation (combi server w/ Xfce) is working:
  * [  ] Installation w/ LTSP diskless workstations and !X2Go thin clients. 
  * [  ] GOsa² add users.
  * [  ] GOsa² mass add users using CSV file.
  * [  ] GOsa² add workstation.
  * [  ] Use !X2Go thin client.
  * [  ] Use LTSP diskless workstation.
  * [  ] Setup internal mail (Thunderbird).
  * [  ] Use Mutt to read internal mail (on the main server).
  * [  ] Login on Debian Edu workstation updated from Buster.
  * [  ] Install system via PXE.
 * Test if Edu supported desktop environments are usable:
  * [  ] Xfce
  * [  ] KDE Plasma
  * [  ] GNOME
  * [  ] MATE
  * [  ] LXDE
  * [  ] LXQt
  * [  ] Cinnamon
 * Test if Samba is working as fileserver:
  * [  ] Access files via SMB2/SMB3 on the main server.
 * [ ] English draft file review by native speaker.
 * [  ] Set date in release announcement draft file.
 * [  ] Inform the publicity team early enough before the release date so that translation teams can be informed.
 * Check if already existing draft translations are up-to-date (ISO file names, release name and date).
  * [  ] (de).
  * [  ] (fr).
  * [  ] (nl).
 * [  ] Check if the email addresses found at the top of the page are up-to-date.

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