[debian-edu-commits] [Git][debian-edu/debian-edu-install][master] 5 commits: Drop i386-efi recipes related files to keep in sync with src:d-i

Wolfgang Schweer (@schweer-guest) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Fri May 14 05:06:36 BST 2021

Wolfgang Schweer pushed to branch master at Debian Edu / debian-edu-install

46ef1df8 by Wolfgang Schweer at 2021-05-14T05:46:21+02:00
Drop i386-efi recipes related files to keep in sync with src:d-i

(scr:d-i/partman-auto symlinks the rare case i386-efi to amd64-efi)

Signed-off-by: Wolfgang Schweer <wschweer at arcor.de>

- - - - -
fbd601c4 by Wolfgang Schweer at 2021-05-14T05:52:23+02:00
Adjust debian-edu-profile to use the amd64-efi recipes also for i366-efi

Signed-off-by: Wolfgang Schweer <wschweer at arcor.de>

- - - - -
e56e14d7 by Wolfgang Schweer at 2021-05-14T05:54:30+02:00
Update after running 'make update-partman-recipes'

Signed-off-by: Wolfgang Schweer <wschweer at arcor.de>

- - - - -
e52da56c by Wolfgang Schweer at 2021-05-14T05:56:30+02:00
Adjust debian/debian-edu-profile-udeb.dirs and Makefile

Signed-off-by: Wolfgang Schweer <wschweer at arcor.de>

- - - - -
daac76b9 by Wolfgang Schweer at 2021-05-14T06:01:08+02:00
Adjust d/changelog

Signed-off-by: Wolfgang Schweer <wschweer at arcor.de>

- - - - -

13 changed files:

- Makefile
- debian-edu-profile
- debian/changelog
- debian/debian-edu-profile-udeb.dirs
- − lib/partman/recipes-i386-efi-specific
- − lib/partman/recipes-i386-efi/90edumain
- − lib/partman/recipes-i386-efi/91edumain+ltsp
- − lib/partman/recipes-i386-efi/92edumain+ws
- − lib/partman/recipes-i386-efi/94edultsp
- − lib/partman/recipes-i386-efi/96eduwork
- − lib/partman/recipes-i386-efi/97minimal
- − lib/partman/recipes-i386-efi/98edustandalone
- update-partman-recipes


@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ PART_RECIPES = \
         recipes \
         recipes-amd64-efi \
-        recipes-i386-efi \
         recipes-powerpc-powermac_newworld \

@@ -282,13 +282,9 @@ automatic_partitioning() {
-		"amd64-efi") #set
+		"amd64-efi"|"i386-efi") #set (same recipes; src:d-i uses symlink)
-	;;
-		"i386-efi") #set
-		arch=-i386
-		subarch=-efi
 	    "powerpc-powermac_newworld") #set

@@ -3,12 +3,13 @@ debian-edu-install (2.11.13) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
   * Add partitioning recipes to support UEFI systems. (Closes: #988396)
     Thanks to Cyril Etcheverria for detecting the bug and for providing useful
     additional information.
-    - lib/partman/recipes-{amd64,i386}-efi-specific: Add EFI partition related
-      configuration files and directories, adjust Makefile.
+    - lib/partman/: Add EFI partition related configuration file
+      'recipes-amd64-efi-specific' and directory 'recipes-amd64-efi'.
     - lib/partman/common/*: Adjust common recipes concerning the /boot partition
       to match the UEFI related change.
       (Code for both /boot and EFI partitions taken from src:d-i/partman-auto.)
     - Generate / update recipes via running 'make update-partman-recipes'.
+    - Adjust debian/debian-edu-profile-udeb.dirs and Makefile.
   * debian-edu-profile: Adjust case statement to let the EFI recipes take effect
     during installation.

@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ usr/lib/base-installer.d

lib/partman/recipes-i386-efi-specific deleted
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-538 538 1075 free
-	$iflabel{ gpt }
-	$reusemethod{ }
-	method{ efi }
-	format{ } .

lib/partman/recipes-i386-efi/90edumain deleted
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-debian-edu-install/text/partman-debian-edu-main ::
-538 538 1075 free
-	$iflabel{ gpt }
-	$reusemethod{ }
-	method{ efi }
-	format{ } .
-512 512 768 ext2
-	$defaultignore{ }
-	method{ format }
-	format{ }
-	use_filesystem{ }
-	filesystem{ ext2 }
-	mountpoint{ /boot } .
-256 10000 1024 ext4
-	$lvmok{ }
-	method{ format }
-	format{ }
-	use_filesystem{ }
-	filesystem{ ext4 }
-	mountpoint{ / } .
-3904 4000 8192 ext4
-	$lvmok{ }
-	method{ format }
-	format{ }
-	use_filesystem{ }
-	filesystem{ ext4 }
-	mountpoint{ /usr } .
-2560 3000 15360 ext4
-	$lvmok{ }
-	method{ format }
-	format{ }
-	use_filesystem{ }
-	filesystem{ ext4 }
-	mountpoint{ /var } .
-256 3000 5120 ext4
-	$lvmok{ }
-	method{ format }
-	format{ }
-	use_filesystem{ }
-	filesystem{ ext4 }
-	mountpoint{ /var/log } .
-64 4000 2048 linux-swap
-	method{ swap }
-	$lvmok{ }
-	format{ } .
-64 1000 15360 ext4
-        $lvmok{ }
-        method{ format }
-        format{ }
-        use_filesystem{ }
-        filesystem{ ext4 }
-        mountpoint{ /var/spool/squid } .
-64 1000 32768 ext4
-        $lvmok{ }
-        method{ format }
-        format{ }
-        use_filesystem{ }
-        filesystem{ ext4 }
-        options/acl{ acl }
-        options/user_xattr{ user_xattr }
-        mountpoint{ /skole/backup } .
-128 1500 32768 ext4
-	$lvmok{ }
-	method{ format }
-	format{ }
-	use_filesystem{ }
-	filesystem{ ext4 }
-	options/acl{ acl }
-	options/user_xattr{ user_xattr }
-	mountpoint{ /skole/tjener/home0 } .
-32 1000 -1 ext4
-	$lvmok{ }
-	method{ format }
-	format{ }
-	use_filesystem{ }
-	filesystem{ keep }
-	mountpoint{ /debianedufreespace } .

lib/partman/recipes-i386-efi/91edumain+ltsp deleted
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-debian-edu-install/text/partman-debian-edu-main+ltsp ::
-538 538 1075 free
-	$iflabel{ gpt }
-	$reusemethod{ }
-	method{ efi }
-	format{ } .
-512 512 768 ext2
-	$defaultignore{ }
-	method{ format }
-	format{ }
-	use_filesystem{ }
-	filesystem{ ext2 }
-	mountpoint{ /boot } .
-640 10000 1536 ext4
-	$lvmok{ }
-	method{ format }
-	format{ }
-	use_filesystem{ }
-	filesystem{ ext4 }
-	mountpoint{ / } .
-14976 4000 18432 ext4
-	$lvmok{ }
-	method{ format }
-	format{ }
-	use_filesystem{ }
-	filesystem{ ext4 }
-	mountpoint{ /usr } .
-6144 3000 10240 ext4
-	$lvmok{ }
-	method{ format }
-	format{ }
-	use_filesystem{ }
-	filesystem{ ext4 }
-	mountpoint{ /var } .
-256 3000 5120 ext4
-	$lvmok{ }
-	method{ format }
-	format{ }
-	use_filesystem{ }
-	filesystem{ ext4 }
-	mountpoint{ /var/log } .
-64 4000 4096 linux-swap
-	method{ swap }
-	$lvmok{ }
-	format{ } .
-12864 4000 18432 ext4
-        $lvmok{ }
-        method{ format }
-        format{ }
-        use_filesystem{ }
-        filesystem{ ext4 }
-        mountpoint{ /srv/ltsp } .
-128 2000 4096 ext4
-        $lvmok{ }
-        method{ format }
-        format{ }
-        use_filesystem{ }
-        filesystem{ ext4 }
-        mountpoint{ /var/opt/ltsp/swapfiles } .
-128 1500 32768 ext4
-	$lvmok{ }
-	method{ format }
-	format{ }
-	use_filesystem{ }
-	filesystem{ ext4 }
-	options/acl{ acl }
-	options/user_xattr{ user_xattr }
-	mountpoint{ /skole/tjener/home0 } .
-64 1000 15360 ext4
-        $lvmok{ }
-        method{ format }
-        format{ }
-        use_filesystem{ }
-        filesystem{ ext4 }
-        mountpoint{ /var/spool/squid } .
-64 1000 32768 ext4
-        $lvmok{ }
-        method{ format }
-        format{ }
-        use_filesystem{ }
-        filesystem{ ext4 }
-        options/acl{ acl }
-        options/user_xattr{ user_xattr }
-        mountpoint{ /skole/backup } .
-32 1000 -1 ext4
-        $lvmok{ }
-        method{ format }
-        format{ }
-        use_filesystem{ }
-        filesystem{ keep }
-        mountpoint{ /debianedufreespace } .

lib/partman/recipes-i386-efi/92edumain+ws deleted
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-debian-edu-install/text/partman-debian-edu-main+ws ::
-538 538 1075 free
-	$iflabel{ gpt }
-	$reusemethod{ }
-	method{ efi }
-	format{ } .
-512 512 768 ext2
-	$defaultignore{ }
-	method{ format }
-	format{ }
-	use_filesystem{ }
-	filesystem{ ext2 }
-	mountpoint{ /boot } .
-256 10000 1024 ext4
-	$lvmok{ }
-	method{ format }
-	format{ }
-	use_filesystem{ }
-	filesystem{ ext4 }
-	mountpoint{ / } .
-14976 4000 18432 ext4
-	$lvmok{ }
-	method{ format }
-	format{ }
-	use_filesystem{ }
-	filesystem{ ext4 }
-	mountpoint{ /usr } .
-4736 3000 10240 ext4
-	$lvmok{ }
-	method{ format }
-	format{ }
-	use_filesystem{ }
-	filesystem{ ext4 }
-	mountpoint{ /var } .
-64 6000 4096 linux-swap
-	method{ swap }
-	$lvmok{ }
-	format{ } .
-128 1500 32768 ext4
-	$lvmok{ }
-	method{ format }
-	format{ }
-	use_filesystem{ }
-	filesystem{ ext4 }
-	mountpoint{ /skole/tjener/home0 } .
-64 1000 15360 ext4
-        $lvmok{ }
-        method{ format }
-        format{ }
-        use_filesystem{ }
-        filesystem{ ext4 }
-        mountpoint{ /var/spool/squid } .
-64 1000 32768 ext4
-        $lvmok{ }
-        method{ format }
-        format{ }
-        use_filesystem{ }
-        filesystem{ ext4 }
-        mountpoint{ /skole/backup } .
-32 1000 -1 ext4
-        $lvmok{ }
-        method{ format }
-        format{ }
-        use_filesystem{ }
-        filesystem{ keep }
-        mountpoint{ /debianedufreespace } .

lib/partman/recipes-i386-efi/94edultsp deleted
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-debian-edu-install/text/partman-debian-edu-ltsp ::
-538 538 1075 free
-	$iflabel{ gpt }
-	$reusemethod{ }
-	method{ efi }
-	format{ } .
-512 512 768 ext2
-	$defaultignore{ }
-	method{ format }
-	format{ }
-	use_filesystem{ }
-	filesystem{ ext2 }
-	mountpoint{ /boot } .
-1024 10000 2560 ext4
-        $lvmok{ }
-	method{ format }
-	format{ }
-	use_filesystem{ }
-	filesystem{ ext4 }
-	mountpoint{ / } .
-14336 4000 18432 ext4
-        $lvmok{ }
-        method{ format }
-	format{ }
-	use_filesystem{ }
-	filesystem{ ext4 }
-	mountpoint{ /usr } .
-6912 3000 10240 ext4
-        $lvmok{ }
-        method{ format }
-	format{ }
-	use_filesystem{ }
-	filesystem{ ext4 }
-	mountpoint{ /var } .
-256 3000 5120 ext4
-        $lvmok{ }
-        method{ format }
-	format{ }
-	use_filesystem{ }
-	filesystem{ ext4 }
-	mountpoint{ /var/log } .
-12800 3000 16384 ext4
-        $lvmok{ }
-        method{ format }
-	format{ }
-	use_filesystem{ }
-	filesystem{ ext4 }
-	mountpoint{ /srv/ltsp } .
-64 2000 4096 ext4
-        $lvmok{ }
-        method{ format }
-	format{ }
-	use_filesystem{ }
-	filesystem{ ext4 }
-	mountpoint{ /var/opt/ltsp/swapfiles } .
-64 10000 4096 linux-swap
-	method{ swap }
-        $lvmok{ }
-	format{ } .
-32 1000 -1 ext4
-        $lvmok{ }
-        method{ format }
-        format{ }
-        use_filesystem{ }
-        filesystem{ keep }
-        mountpoint{ /debianedufreespace } .

lib/partman/recipes-i386-efi/96eduwork deleted
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-debian-edu-install/text/partman-debian-edu-workstation ::
-538 538 1075 free
-	$iflabel{ gpt }
-	$reusemethod{ }
-	method{ efi }
-	format{ } .
-512 512 768 ext2
-	$defaultignore{ }
-	method{ format }
-	format{ }
-	use_filesystem{ }
-	filesystem{ ext2 }
-	mountpoint{ /boot } .
-5568 3000 10240 ext4
-	$lvmok{ }
-	method{ format }
-	format{ }
-	use_filesystem{ }
-	filesystem{ ext4 }
-	mountpoint{ / } .
-14784 3000 18432 ext4
-        $lvmok{ }
-        method{ format }
-        format{ }
-        use_filesystem{ }
-        filesystem{ ext4 }
-        mountpoint{ /usr } .
-200% 10000 200% linux-swap
-	method{ swap }
-        $lvmok{ }
-	format{ } .
-32 1000 -1 ext4
-	$lvmok{ }
-	method{ format }
-	format{ }
-	use_filesystem{ }
-	filesystem{ keep }
-	mountpoint{ /debianedufreespace } .

lib/partman/recipes-i386-efi/97minimal deleted
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-debian-edu-install/text/partman-debian-edu-minimal ::
-538 538 1075 free
-	$iflabel{ gpt }
-	$reusemethod{ }
-	method{ efi }
-	format{ } .
-512 512 768 ext2
-	$defaultignore{ }
-	method{ format }
-	format{ }
-	use_filesystem{ }
-	filesystem{ ext2 }
-	mountpoint{ /boot } .
-320 5000 1024 ext4
-	$lvmok{ }
-	method{ format }
-	format{ }
-	use_filesystem{ }
-	filesystem{ ext4 }
-	mountpoint{ / } .
-3456 1000 6144 ext4
-	$lvmok{ }
-	method{ format }
-	format{ }
-	use_filesystem{ }
-	filesystem{ ext4 }
-	mountpoint{ /usr } .
-1792 2500 4096 ext4
-	$lvmok{ }
-	method{ format }
-	format{ }
-	use_filesystem{ }
-	filesystem{ ext4 }
-	mountpoint{ /var } .
-64 10000 200% linux-swap
-	method{ swap }
-	$lvmok{ }
-	format{ } .
-32 1000 -1 ext4
-	$lvmok{ }
-	method{ format }
-	format{ }
-	use_filesystem{ }
-	filesystem{ keep }
-	mountpoint{ /debianedufreespace } .

lib/partman/recipes-i386-efi/98edustandalone deleted
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-debian-edu-install/text/partman-debian-edu-standalone ::
-538 538 1075 free
-	$iflabel{ gpt }
-	$reusemethod{ }
-	method{ efi }
-	format{ } .
-512 512 768 ext2
-	$defaultignore{ }
-	method{ format }
-	format{ }
-	use_filesystem{ }
-	filesystem{ ext2 }
-	mountpoint{ /boot } .
-14592 3000 18432 ext4
-	$lvmok{ }
-	method{ format }
-	format{ }
-	use_filesystem{ }
-	filesystem{ ext4 }
-	mountpoint{ / } .
-4544 3000 10240 ext4
-	$lvmok{ }
-	method{ format }
-	format{ }
-	use_filesystem{ }
-	filesystem{ ext4 }
-	mountpoint{ /var } .
-320 1500 32768 ext4
-	$lvmok{ }
-	method{ format }
-	format{ }
-	use_filesystem{ }
-	filesystem{ ext4 }
-	mountpoint{ /home } .
-200% 10000 200% linux-swap
-	method{ swap }
-        $lvmok{ }
-	format{ } .
-32 1000 -1 ext4
-	$lvmok{ }
-	method{ format }
-	format{ }
-	use_filesystem{ }
-	filesystem{ keep }
-	mountpoint{ /debianedufreespace } .

@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-Last made update-partman-recipes Mi 12. Mai 22:50:06 CEST 2021 for:
-90edumain 91edumain+ltsp 92edumain+ws 94edultsp 96eduwork 97minimal 98edustandalone recipes-amd64-efi-specific recipes-i386-efi-specific recipes-powerpc-powermac_newworld-specific recipes-powerpc-prep-specific recipes-specific
+Last made update-partman-recipes Fr 14. Mai 05:17:33 CEST 2021 for:
+90edumain 91edumain+ltsp 92edumain+ws 94edultsp 96eduwork 97minimal 98edustandalone recipes-amd64-efi-specific recipes-powerpc-powermac_newworld-specific recipes-powerpc-prep-specific recipes-specific

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-edu/debian-edu-install/-/compare/00d4e85a2a16b75411b754c68e6ff21a9bec61fa...daac76b9e399cba3a181d822fcf980b7deb0b26f

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-edu/debian-edu-install/-/compare/00d4e85a2a16b75411b754c68e6ff21a9bec61fa...daac76b9e399cba3a181d822fcf980b7deb0b26f
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