[debian-edu-commits] Build failed in Jenkins: edu-packages_sid_debian-edu-doc #1681

jenkins at jenkins.debian.net jenkins at jenkins.debian.net
Tue Oct 25 00:00:42 BST 2022

See <https://jenkins.debian.net/job/edu-packages_sid_debian-edu-doc/1681/display/redirect?page=changes>


[Holger Levsen] Update Debian Edu Bookworm manual from the wiki.

[Holger Levsen] Update Debian Edu Bullseye manual from the wiki.

[...truncated 383.78 KB...]
					esac ; \
					cp $i $LANGPATH/rosegarden-manual-images-tmp/ ; \
				fi ; done ; \
			cd .. ; \
			sed -i "s#./images#./rosegarden-manual-images#g" rosegarden-manual.$f.xml ; \
			SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=$SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH_TEX_PRIMITIVES=1 dblatex "--tmpdir=texdir" -T native -b xetex -p ../common/dblatex.xsl -I $LANGPATH/ -I /tmp/testrun/debian/debian-edu-doc-en/usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc-en/ -o $LANGPATH/rosegarden-manual.pdf rosegarden-manual.$f.xml --param=lingua=$f ; \
			cp $LANGPATH/rosegarden-manual-images-tmp/*.* $LANGPATH/rosegarden-manual-images 2> /dev/null ; \
			rm -rf $LANGPATH/rosegarden-manual-images-tmp ; \
		fi ; \
	fi ; \
	if [ -e rosegarden-manual.epub ] && [ "$f" = "en" ]  ; then \
		cp rosegarden-manual.epub $LANGPATH/rosegarden-manual.epub ; \
	fi ; \
	if [ -e rosegarden-manual.$f.epub ] ; then \
		cp rosegarden-manual.$f.epub $LANGPATH/rosegarden-manual.epub ; \
		cd $LANGPATH ; \
		unzip -q rosegarden-manual.epub -d epub ; \
		sed -i 's#_idm[0-9]\+#_idm123#' epub/OEBPS/content.opf ; \
		sed -i 's#_idm[0-9]\+#_idm123#' epub/OEBPS/toc.ncx ; \
		sed -i 's#_idp[0-9]\+#_idp123#' epub/OEBPS/content.opf ; \
		sed -i 's#_idp[0-9]\+#_idp123#' epub/OEBPS/toc.ncx ; \
		find epub -exec touch -d @0 '{}' \; ; \
		rm rosegarden-manual.epub ; \
		zip -q -r rosegarden-manual.epub epub/ ; \
		rm -rf epub/ ; \
		cd - ; \
	fi ; \
Build the book set list...
Build the listings...
XSLT stylesheets DocBook - LaTeX 2e (0.3.12)
Build rosegarden-manual.pdf
'rosegarden-manual.pdf' successfully built
Build the book set list...
Build the listings...
XSLT stylesheets DocBook - LaTeX 2e (0.3.12)
Build rosegarden-manual.fr.pdf
'rosegarden-manual.pdf' successfully built
Build the book set list...
Build the listings...
XSLT stylesheets DocBook - LaTeX 2e (0.3.12)
Build rosegarden-manual.nb-no.pdf
'rosegarden-manual.pdf' successfully built
Build the book set list...
Build the listings...
XSLT stylesheets DocBook - LaTeX 2e (0.3.12)
Build rosegarden-manual.nl.pdf
'rosegarden-manual.pdf' successfully built
Build the book set list...
Build the listings...
XSLT stylesheets DocBook - LaTeX 2e (0.3.12)
Build rosegarden-manual.zh-cn.pdf
'rosegarden-manual.pdf' successfully built
make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/testrun/documentation/rosegarden'
/usr/bin/make -C /tmp/testrun/documentation/audacity install
make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/testrun/documentation/audacity'
# create localized XML files
po4a --msgmerge-opt --no-location po4a.cfg
 (66 entries)
# rewrap the PO file just to be sure
msgcat --no-location -o audacity-manual.pot audacity-manual.pot
# special case English master file
cp audacity-manual.xml audacity-manual.en.xml
# modify XML file
for f in en fr ja nb-no nl pl pt-br pt-pt sv uk zh-cn ; do \
	if [ -e audacity-manual.$f.xml ] ; then \
		echo "Creating XML for $f"; \
		case "$f" in \
			cs|de|da|nb-no|pl|ro|uk) sed -i 's%</para><para> </para>%29.08.2022%' audacity-manual.$f.xml \
			;; \
			fr|nl) sed -i 's%</para><para> </para>%29-08-2022%' audacity-manual.$f.xml \
			;; \
			ja) sed -i 's%</para><para> </para>%2022年08月29日%' audacity-manual.$f.xml \
			;; \
			es|it|pt-br|pt-pt) sed -i 's%</para><para> </para>%29/08/2022%' audacity-manual.$f.xml \
			;; \
			zh-tw) sed -i 's%</para><para> </para>%2022/8/29%' audacity-manual.$f.xml \
			;; \
			*) sed -i 's%</para><para> </para>%2022-08-29%' audacity-manual.$f.xml \
			;; \
		esac ; \
		sed -i 's%<subtitle><para>%<subtitle>%' audacity-manual.$f.xml ; \
		sed -i "s%id='[0-9]\+%id='%g" audacity-manual.$f.xml ; \
		sed -i "s% id=''%%g" audacity-manual.$f.xml ; \
	fi ; \
Creating XML for en
Creating XML for fr
Creating XML for ja
Creating XML for nb-no
Creating XML for nl
Creating XML for pl
Creating XML for pt-br
Creating XML for pt-pt
Creating XML for sv
Creating XML for uk
Creating XML for zh-cn
# build HTML version and restore internal links for all languages
for f in en fr ja nb-no nl pl pt-br pt-pt sv uk zh-cn ; do \
	echo "Creating HTML for $f"; \
	if [ -e audacity-manual.$f.xml ] ; then \
		xsltproc --nonet --novalid --xinclude ../common/html.xsl audacity-manual.$f.xml && mv index.html audacity-manual.$f.html ; \
		sed -i "s/href=\"index.html/href=\"audacity-manual.$f.html/g" audacity-manual.$f.html ; \
	fi ; \
Creating HTML for en
Writing index.html for article
Creating HTML for fr
Writing index.html for article
Creating HTML for ja
Writing index.html for article
Creating HTML for nb-no
Writing index.html for article
Creating HTML for nl
Writing index.html for article
Creating HTML for pl
Writing index.html for article
Creating HTML for pt-br
Writing index.html for article
Creating HTML for pt-pt
Writing index.html for article
Creating HTML for sv
Writing index.html for article
Creating HTML for uk
Writing index.html for article
Creating HTML for zh-cn
Writing index.html for article
# build EPUB version for all languages
for f in en fr ja nb-no nl pl pt-br pt-pt sv uk zh-cn ; do \
	echo "Creating EPUB for $f"; \
	mkdir images-tmp ; \
	cp images/*.* images-tmp/ ; \
	if [ -e images/$f ] ; then \
	    cp -v images/$f/*.* images-tmp/ ; \
	fi ; \
	if [ -e audacity-manual.$f.xml ] ; then \
		sed -i "s#./images#./images-tmp#g" audacity-manual.$f.xml ; \
		dbtoepub audacity-manual.$f.xml ; \
	fi ; \
	rm -rf images-tmp ; \
Creating EPUB for en
Creating EPUB for fr
'images/fr/edittojack.png' -> 'images-tmp/edittojack.png'
'images/fr/getnoiseprofile.png' -> 'images-tmp/getnoiseprofile.png'
'images/fr/manipulating.png' -> 'images-tmp/manipulating.png'
'images/fr/manipulating1.png' -> 'images-tmp/manipulating1.png'
'images/fr/marking.png' -> 'images-tmp/marking.png'
'images/fr/mixingaudio.png' -> 'images-tmp/mixingaudio.png'
'images/fr/normalize.png' -> 'images-tmp/normalize.png'
'images/fr/normalized.png' -> 'images-tmp/normalized.png'
'images/fr/recording.png' -> 'images-tmp/recording.png'
'images/fr/samplerate.png' -> 'images-tmp/samplerate.png'
'images/fr/toolbox.png' -> 'images-tmp/toolbox.png'
'images/fr/zoom.png' -> 'images-tmp/zoom.png'
Creating EPUB for ja
Creating EPUB for nb-no
Creating EPUB for nl
Creating EPUB for pl
Creating EPUB for pt-br
Creating EPUB for pt-pt
Creating EPUB for sv
Creating EPUB for uk
Creating EPUB for zh-cn
# en needs to be first
# the first two epub related sed commands further below are needed to get
# rid of any environmental influence at package generation time. This concerns
# the content identifier in both .opf and .ncx files. While these sed commands
# are doing the right thing for archs amd64 and arm64, the set of the next
# two sed commands are needed for i386 and armhf instead due to a different
# content identifier string.
for f in en fr ja nb-no nl pl pt-br pt-pt sv uk zh-cn ; do \
	if [ "audacity-manual" = "audacity-manual" ] || [ "audacity-manual" = "rosegarden-manual" ] || \
		[ "audacity-manual" = "debian-edu-itil-manual" ]; then \
		export LANGPATH=/tmp/testrun/debian/debian-edu-doc-legacy-$f/usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc-legacy-$f ; \
	else \
		export LANGPATH=/tmp/testrun/debian/debian-edu-doc-$f/usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc-$f ; \
	fi ; \
	mkdir -p $LANGPATH ; \
	if [ -e audacity-manual.$f.html ] ; then \
		cp audacity-manual.$f.html $LANGPATH/audacity-manual.html ; \
		sed -i "s/href=\"audacity-manual.$f.html/href=\"audacity-manual.html/g" $LANGPATH/audacity-manual.html ; \
		sed -i "s#./images#./audacity-manual-images#g" $LANGPATH/audacity-manual.html ; \
		if [ "$f" = "en" ] ; then \
		  mkdir -p $LANGPATH/audacity-manual-images/ ; \
		  find images -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec cp \{\} $LANGPATH/audacity-manual-images/ \; ; \
		  sed -i 's%</para><para> </para>%2022-08-29%' audacity-manual.xml ; \
		  sed -i 's%<subtitle><para>%<subtitle>%' audacity-manual.xml ; \
		  SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=$SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH_TEX_PRIMITIVES=1 dblatex "--tmpdir=texdir" -T native -b xetex -p ../common/dblatex.xsl -o $LANGPATH/audacity-manual.pdf audacity-manual.xml --param=lingua=$f ; \
		else \
			mkdir -p $LANGPATH/audacity-manual-images ; \
			mkdir -p $LANGPATH/audacity-manual-images-tmp ; \
			cd images ; \
			for i in *.* ; do \
				if [ -e $f/$i ] ; then \
					cp $f/$i $LANGPATH/audacity-manual-images-tmp/ ; \
				else \
					case "audacity-manual" in \
						audacity-manual|debian-edu-itil-manual|rosegarden-manual) \
							ln -sf ../../debian-edu-doc-legacy-en/audacity-manual-images/$i $LANGPATH/audacity-manual-images/$i \
						;; \
						*) ln -sf ../../debian-edu-doc-en/audacity-manual-images/$i $LANGPATH/audacity-manual-images/$i \
						;; \
					esac ; \
					cp $i $LANGPATH/audacity-manual-images-tmp/ ; \
				fi ; done ; \
			cd .. ; \
			sed -i "s#./images#./audacity-manual-images#g" audacity-manual.$f.xml ; \
			SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=$SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH_TEX_PRIMITIVES=1 dblatex "--tmpdir=texdir" -T native -b xetex -p ../common/dblatex.xsl -I $LANGPATH/ -I /tmp/testrun/debian/debian-edu-doc-en/usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc-en/ -o $LANGPATH/audacity-manual.pdf audacity-manual.$f.xml --param=lingua=$f ; \
			cp $LANGPATH/audacity-manual-images-tmp/*.* $LANGPATH/audacity-manual-images 2> /dev/null ; \
			rm -rf $LANGPATH/audacity-manual-images-tmp ; \
		fi ; \
	fi ; \
	if [ -e audacity-manual.epub ] && [ "$f" = "en" ]  ; then \
		cp audacity-manual.epub $LANGPATH/audacity-manual.epub ; \
	fi ; \
	if [ -e audacity-manual.$f.epub ] ; then \
		cp audacity-manual.$f.epub $LANGPATH/audacity-manual.epub ; \
		cd $LANGPATH ; \
		unzip -q audacity-manual.epub -d epub ; \
		sed -i 's#_idm[0-9]\+#_idm123#' epub/OEBPS/content.opf ; \
		sed -i 's#_idm[0-9]\+#_idm123#' epub/OEBPS/toc.ncx ; \
		sed -i 's#_idp[0-9]\+#_idp123#' epub/OEBPS/content.opf ; \
		sed -i 's#_idp[0-9]\+#_idp123#' epub/OEBPS/toc.ncx ; \
		find epub -exec touch -d @0 '{}' \; ; \
		rm audacity-manual.epub ; \
		zip -q -r audacity-manual.epub epub/ ; \
		rm -rf epub/ ; \
		cd - ; \
	fi ; \
Build the book set list...
Build the listings...
XSLT stylesheets DocBook - LaTeX 2e (0.3.12)
Build audacity-manual.pdf
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure

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