[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Documentation/Bullseye/HowTo/Administration" by DashamirHoxha

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Wed Oct 26 03:39:46 BST 2022

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The "DebianEdu/Documentation/Bullseye/HowTo/Administration" page has been changed by DashamirHoxha:

   * disable the service on main-server
   * update DNS (via LDAP/GOsa²) on main-server
+ == Automount CDROM on thin clients ==
+ When you attach a removable device (USB, CDROM) to a diskless client, it will be automounted and be available on the client immediately, since the system is running on the client and has direct access to its hardware.
+ With an x2go thin client it is not so easy because we are accessing the server remotely. There is already a configuration for the USB devices, which attaches them as network disks to the x2go client, and makes them accessable via SSHFS. So, whenever a USB device is attached to a client machine, it will be automounted, and we can click the icon labeled "_usb0 (sshfs-disk)" on the desktop in order to access it. In this case we are actually accessing it remotely from the server, since everything on a thin client runs on the server.
+ If we want to do the same for a CDROM device, then we can follow these instructions:
+ 1. Create the file `/etc/ltsp/autofs/auto.cdrom` on the LTSP server with this single line as content:
+     `/cdrom -fstype=iso9660,ro,nosuid,nodev :/dev/cdrom`
+ 2. Add this line to `/etc/ltsp/autofs/extra.autofs`:
+     `/- /etc/auto.cdrom --mode=0777 --timeout=3`
+ 3. Add cdrom export (adjust one line) in `/etc/ltsp/skel/.x2goclient/sessions`: 
+     `export="/usb0:1;/cdrom:1;"`
+ 4. Run `debian-edu-ltsp-initrd` for the changes to take effect for the next start of a thin client.
+ By the way, all the LTSP related configuration, including the x2goclient one, is contained in the script `/usr/sbin/debian-edu-ltsp-install`. If we want to customize these configurations, we can copy this script to `/usr/local/sbin/` and modify it.
  == HowTos from wiki.debian.org ==
  FIXME: The !HowTos from https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/HowTo/ are either user- or developer-specific. Let's move the user-specific !HowTos over here (and delete them over there)! (But first ask the authors (see the history of those pages to find them) if they are fine with moving the howto and putting it under the GPL.)

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