[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Documentation/Bookworm/HowTo/NetworkClients" by WolfgangSchweer
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Fri Oct 28 09:14:46 BST 2022
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The "DebianEdu/Documentation/Bookworm/HowTo/NetworkClients" page has been changed by WolfgangSchweer:
reword/reformat a bit to be more user and translator friendly
Please note that configuring end user devices will be a real challenge due to the variety of devices. For Windows devices an installer script could be created, for Apple devices a mobileconfig file. In both cases the freeRADIUS CA certificate can be integrated, but OS specific tools are needed to create the scripts.
== Authorize Windows machine with Debian Edu credentials using pGina LDAP plugin ==
=== Adding pGina user in Debian Edu ===
To have an ability to use pGina (or any else 3rd party auth-service-application) you should have a special user account used in search inside of LDAP.
- Add a special user '''pguser''':''pwd.777'' on https://www/gosa website.
+ Add a special user '''pguser''' with password ''pwd.777'' on https://www/gosa website.
=== Install pGina fork ===
Download and install pGina as usual software.
Take an attention that LDAP plugin persists in pGina plugin folder:
- c:\Program Files\pGina.fork\Plugins\pGina.Plugin.Ldap.dll
+ C:\Program Files\pGina.fork\Plugins\pGina.Plugin.Ldap.dll
=== Configure pGina ===
- Considering to Debian Edu settings we must connect to LDAP with SSL by port 636.
+ Considering to Debian Edu settings the connection to LDAP uses SSL by port 636.
+ So necessary settings in a pGina LDAP plugin are below<<BR>>
- So necessary settings in a pGina LDAP plugin are below ''(stored in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\pGina3.fork\Plugins\0f52390b-c781-43ae-bd62-553c77fa4cf7)''.
+ (these are stored in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\pGina3.fork\Plugins\0f52390b-c781-43ae-bd62-553c77fa4cf7).
- ==== Main section ====
+ ==== LDAP Plugin main section ====
- * LDAP Host(s): '''''' [] ''//or any else with "space" as a separator''
+ * LDAP Host(s): '''''' (or any else with "space" as a separator)
- * LDAP Port: '''636''' // for SSL connections
+ * LDAP Port: '''636''' (for SSL connection)
* Timeout: 10
- * Use SSL: '''YES''' ''(v mark)''
- * Start TLS: '''NO''' ''(empty)''
+ * Use SSL: '''YES''' (tick checkbox)
+ * Start TLS: '''NO''' (don't tick checkbox)
- * Validate Server Certificate: '''NO''' ''(empty)''
+ * Validate Server Certificate: '''NO''' (don't tick checkbox)
- * Search DN: '''uid=pguser,ou=people,ou=Students,dc=skole,dc=skolelinux,dc=no''' ''//"pguser" is a user to authenticate in LDAP to search Users in a login session''
- * Search Passwords: pwd.777 // here is a password of "pguser"
+ * Search DN: '''uid=pguser,ou=people,ou=Students,dc=skole,dc=skolelinux,dc=no'''
+ ("pguser" is a user to authenticate in LDAP to search users in a login session)
+ * Search Password: pwd.777 (this is the "pguser" password)
==== Authentication block ====
Bind Tab:
* Allow Empty Passwords: '''NO'''
- * Search for DN: '''YES''' (v mark)
+ * Search for DN: '''YES''' (tick checkbox)
* Search Filter: '''(&(uid=%u)(objectClass=person))'''
==== Authorization block ====
* Default: '''Allow'''
- * Deny when LDAP authentication fails: '''YES''' ''(v mark)''
+ * Deny when LDAP authentication fails: '''YES''' (tick checkbox)
- * Allow when server is unreachable: '''NO''' ''(empty) //optionally''
+ * Allow when server is unreachable: '''NO''' (don't tick checkbox, optional)
==== Plugin Selection ====
* LDAP: Authentication [v], Authorization [v], Gateway[v], Change Password [_]
- * Local Machine: Authentication [v], Gateway [v] ''// two marks only''
+ * Local Machine: Authentication [v], Gateway [v] (tick only two checkboxes)
==== Plugin Order ====
* Authentication: LDAP, Local Machine
@@ -288, +289 @@
- * [[DebianEdu/Documentation/Bookworm/GettingStarted#User_Management_with_GOsa.2BALI-| User Management with GOsa²]]
* http://mutonufoai.github.io/pgina/download.html
* http://mutonufoai.github.io/pgina/documentation/plugins/ldap.html
* https://serverfault.com/questions/516072/how-to-configure-pgina-ldap-plugin
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