kiwix: upstream code cleanup

Mike Gabriel mike.gabriel at
Fri Jun 8 07:18:51 UTC 2012

Hi Renaud,

and another one...

On Fr 08 Jun 2012 01:53:56 CEST Mike Gabriel wrote:

> Hi Renaud,
> another issue for upstream...
> The kiwix package now builds once with git-buildpackage. But on a   
> second build on the same working copy I get this after make clean /  
> DH  clean has run...
> I will comment inline...

gbp:error: You have uncommitted changes in your source tree:
gbp:error: # On branch master
# Changes not staged for commit:
#   (use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
#   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
#       modified:
#       modified:   aclocal.m4
#       modified:   desktop/
#       modified:   etc/
#       modified:   kiwix/
#       modified:   kiwix/chrome/
#       modified:   kiwix/components/
#       modified:   kiwix/defaults/
#       modified:   src/
#       modified:   src/components/
#       modified:   src/components/cluceneAccessor/
#       deleted:    src/components/contentManager/IContentManager.h
#       modified:   src/components/contentManager/
#       deleted:    src/components/serverManager/IServerManager.h
#       modified:   src/components/serverManager/
#       modified:   src/components/xapianAccessor/
#       deleted:    src/components/zimAccessor/IZimAccessor.h
#       modified:   src/components/zimAccessor/
#       deleted:    src/components/zimCluceneIndexer/IZimCluceneIndexer.h
#       modified:   src/components/zimCluceneIndexer/
#       deleted:    src/components/zimXapianIndexer/IZimXapianIndexer.h
#       modified:   src/components/zimXapianIndexer/
#       modified:   src/ctpp2/
#       modified:   src/ctpp2/src/
#       modified:   src/dependencies/
#       modified:   src/indexer/
#       modified:   src/installer/
#       modified:   src/launcher/
#       modified:   src/man/
#       modified:   src/manager/
#       modified:   src/pugixml/
#       modified:   src/reader/
#       modified:   src/searcher/
#       modified:   src/server/
#       modified:   src/zimlib/
#       modified:   src/zimlib/src/
#       modified:   static/

I am wondering why the files get modified during build as  
well. This happened when evoking a third build on the same working  

The idea is to get the build process that clean that we can build and  
build and build the package again and again on the same working copy.

And: the file-in-unusual-dir issues have a much higher priority...



mike gabriel, rothenstein 5, 24214 neudorf-bornstein
fon: +49 (1520) 1976 148

GnuPG Key ID 0xB588399B
mail: mike.gabriel at,

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