Bug#679945: kiwix: crashes entire session upon exit

Vasudev Kamath kamathvasudev at gmail.com
Tue Jul 3 03:55:31 UTC 2012

On Tue, Jul 3, 2012 at 5:19 AM, renaud gaudin <rgaudin at gmail.com> wrote:
> Regarding the other bug, it's on you :) You forgot to add package aria2
> (>=1.14) to the list of dependencies. I've double checked the dependencies
> and it's the only one missing.

Yes I thought it was only build dependency I didn't know binary is
required to run kiwix. It was my bad :-) Since it was just a binary it
was not introduced into ${misc:Depends} by debhelper but if you see
other -dev all libraries corresponding to -dev counter part
automatically gets introduced to Depends by ${shlibs:Depends}

Let me know if something else is missing in Depends

> I have an additional question: why is the list of dependencies on
> http://packages.debian.org/sid/kiwix different than the one on
> http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=collab-maint/kiwix.git;a=blob_plain;f=debian/control;hb=HEAD
> ???

Package tracker page doesn't show Build-Depends: and additionally some
basic dependencies for the system automatically gets added by
${shlibs:Depends} and ${misc:Depends} we don't add those explicitly in
control file

Hope that helps

With Regards


Vasudev Kamath

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