Bug#694508: kiwix: Kiwik does not remember loaded bookmark sets

Vasudev Kamath kamathvasudev at gmail.com
Sat Dec 8 13:11:52 UTC 2012

On 10:48 Wed 05 Dec     , Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> Quoting Vasudev Kamath (2012-12-05 04:46:30)
> > Jonas I've done some changes you asked me on IRC on Sunday and pushed 
> > to git I will do remaining changes today or this weekend but if you 
> > can review and send it to me and mike it would be great :-)
> I prefer the more casual style of chatting about it.  Fine to do it 
> somewhere else than at #debian-in if you prefer that.

We can do it in #debian-in that is fine with me :-).

> There's a #cdbs channel but only me there and I don't really know my way 
> around IRC (and have little interest in it either): If you could help me 
> be co-admins there and setup an always logging bot that'd might be a 
> good place (also to not bother those not interested in CDBS).

That is also good I always hangout at #cdbs is there any ready made
available bot for logging purpose. I always will have irssi to log

> > --
> It seems you use "dash dash" before your signature.  The de facto 
> standard delimiter is "dash dash space": I suggest you improve that.

Umm didn't get you there is a space after --

Vasudev Kamath
Connect on ~friendica: copyninja@{frndk.de | vasudev.homelinux.net}
IRC nick: copyninja | vasudev {irc.oftc.net | irc.freenode.net}
GPG Key: C517 C25D E408 759D 98A4  C96B 6C8F 74AE 8770 0B7E
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