Bug#719778: [BTS#719778] templates://italc/{italc-client.templates} : Final update for English review

Christian PERRIER bubulle at debian.org
Mon Sep 2 05:50:53 UTC 2013

Dear Debian maintainer,

On Monday, September 02, 2013, I notified you of the beginning of a review process
concerning debconf templates for italc.

The debian-l10n-english contributors have now reviewed these templates,
and the final proposed changes are attached to this update to the
original bug report.

Please review the suggested changes, and if you have any
objections, let me know in the next 3 days.

However, please try to avoid uploading italc with these changes
right now.

The second phase of this process will begin on Thursday, September 05, 2013, when I will
coordinate updates to translations of debconf templates.

The existing translators will be notified of the changes: they will
receive an updated PO file for their language.

Simultaneously, a general call for new translations will be sent to
the debian-i18n mailing list.

Both these calls for translations will request updates to be sent as
individual bug reports. That will probably trigger a lot of bug
reports against your package, but these should be easier to deal with.

The call for translation updates and new translations will run until
about Thursday, September 26, 2013. Please avoid uploading a package with fixed or changed
debconf templates and/or translation updates in the meantime. Of
course, other changes are safe.

Please note that this is an approximative delay, which depends on my
own availability to process this work and is influenced by the fact
that I simultaneously work on many packages.

Around Friday, September 27, 2013, I will contact you again and will send a final patch
summarizing all the updates (changes to debconf templates,
updates to debconf translations and new debconf translations).

Again, thanks for your attention and cooperation.


-------------- next part --------------
# These templates have been reviewed by the debian-l10n-english
# team
# If modifications/additions/rewording are needed, please ask
# debian-l10n-english at lists.debian.org for advice.
# Even minor modifications require translation updates and such
# changes should be coordinated with translators and reviewers.

Template: italc-client/last-group-teacher
Type: string
Description: for internal use

Template: italc-client/last-group-student
Type: string
Description: for internal use

Template: italc-client/last-group-supporter
Type: string
Description: for internal use

Template: italc-client/last-group-admin
Type: string
Description: for internal use

Template: italc-client/create-keypairs
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Automatically set up iTALC's role model and create key pairs?
 iTALC knows four different access roles for iTALC clients (teacher, student,
 supporter, and administrator).
 iTALC manages this role-based client access via SSL keys.
 Automatically generated SSL keys will be created in subfolders of

Template: italc-client/create-groups-for-roles
Type: boolean
Default: true
_Description: Create groups for iTALC roles now?
 iTALC's role model requires four groups to exist: "teacher", "student",
 "supporter", and "admin".
 If these four groups are not created now, you will be asked to assign
 existing groups in their place.

Template: italc-client/use-existing-groups-for-roles
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Use already existing groups for iTALC roles?
 If groups reflecting the iTALC role model have already been set up
 (e.g. in the LDAP user/group database) then you can specify those group
 names on the next screens.

Template: italc-client/group-italc-teacher
Type: string
Default: italc-teacher
_Description: iTALC teachers role group:
 Please specify the group name for iTALC teachers.
 The teacher role gives basic control over iTALC clients in classrooms.
 If you leave this empty, the "root" group will be used.

Template: italc-client/del-last-group-teacher
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Delete the group that was formerly used for this role?
 The group for the iTALC teacher role has been modified.
 Please specify whether the old group should be deleted. If unsure,
 keep the formerly used group and manually investigate later.

Template: italc-client/group-italc-student
Type: string
Default: italc-student
_Description: iTALC students role group:
 Please specify the group name for iTALC students.
 The iTALC client only starts for users who are members of this group.
 If you leave this empty, the "root" group will be used.

Template: italc-client/del-last-group-student
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Delete the group that was formerly used for this role?
 The group for the iTALC student role has been modified.
 Please specify whether the old group should be deleted. If unsure,
 keep the formerly used group and manually investigate later.

Template: italc-client/group-italc-supporter
Type: string
Default: italc-supporter
_Description: iTALC supporters role group:
 Please specify the group name for iTALC supporters.
 The supporter role gives extended control over the iTALC setup on this
 site and facilitates giving support to iTALC users.
 If you leave this empty, the "root" group will be used.

Template: italc-client/del-last-group-supporter
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Delete the group that was formerly used for this role?
 The group for the iTALC supporter role has been modified.
 Please specify whether the old group should be deleted. If unsure,
 keep the formerly used group and manually investigate later.

Template: italc-client/group-italc-admin
Type: string
Default: italc-admin
_Description: iTALC administrators role group:
 Please specify the group name for iTALC administrators.
 The administrator role grants full access to the iTALC instance on
 this site.
 If you leave this empty, the "root" group will be used.

Template: italc-client/del-last-group-admin
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Delete the group that was formerly used for this role?
 The group for the iTALC administrator role has been modified.
 Please specify whether the old group should be deleted. If unsure,
 keep the formerly used group and manually investigate later.

Template: italc-client/key-access-for-groups
Type: boolean
Default: true
_Description: Make iTALC's SSL keys accessible to the role model groups?
 To make the iTALC role model fully functional, the appropriate groups
 now need to be granted access to the created SSL keys.
 If you skip this step, iTALC SSL keys will only be accessible to the
 super-user "root" and you will have to manually set up file permissions
 on the keys later.
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Source: italc
Section: x11
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Debian Edu Packaging Team <debian-edu-pkg-team at lists.alioth.debian.org>
 Patrick Winnertz <winnie at debian.org>,
 Mike Gabriel <sunweaver at debian.org>,
 dpkg-dev (>= 1.16.1~),
 debhelper (>= 7.0.50~),
 libvncserver-dev (>= 0.9.7),
 libv4l-dev [linux-any],
 gcj-jdk | gcj,
Standards-Version: 3.9.4
Homepage: http://italc.sourceforge.net/home.php
Vcs-Git: git://git.debian.org/debian-edu/italc.git
Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=debian-edu/italc.git;a=summary

Package: italc-master
Architecture: any
 dpkg (>= 1.15.6~),
 libitalccore (=${binary:Version}),
Description: intelligent Teaching And Learning with Computers - master
 iTALC makes it possible to access and guide the activities of students
 from the computer of the teacher. For example, with the help of iTALC
 a teacher can view the contents of students' screens and see if any of
 them need help. If so, the teacher can access the student's desktop and
 provide support; the student can watch the teacher's actions and learn
 from them. Alternatively the teacher can switch into "demo-mode", where
 all the students' screens show the contents of the teacher's screen.
 Furthermore, actions like locking students' screens, killing games,
 powering clients on or off, and much more can all be performed via iTALC.
 This package contains the software necessary to observe and control iTALC
 clients provided by the italc-client package.

Package: italc-client
Architecture: any
 dpkg (>= 1.15.6~),
 libitalccore (=${binary:Version}),
 italc-management-console (=${binary:Version}),
Description: intelligent Teaching And Learning with Computers - client
 iTALC makes it possible to access and guide the activities of students
 from the computer of the teacher. For example, with the help of iTALC
 a teacher can view the contents of students' screens and see if any of
 them need help. If so, the teacher can access the student's desktop and
 provide support; the student can watch the teacher's actions and learn
 from them. Alternatively the teacher can switch into "demo-mode", where
 all the students' screens show the contents of the teacher's screen.
 Furthermore, actions like locking students' screens, killing games,
 powering clients on or off, and much more can all be performed via iTALC.
 This package contains the client software for iTALC, which can be
 controlled using italc-master.

Package: italc-management-console
Architecture: any
 dpkg (>= 1.15.6~),
 libitalccore (=${binary:Version}),
Description: intelligent Teaching And Learning with Computers - management console
 iTALC makes it possible to access and guide the activities of students
 from the computer of the teacher. For example, with the help of iTALC
 a teacher can view the contents of students' screens and see if any of
 them need help. If so, the teacher can access the student's desktop and
 provide support; the student can watch the teacher's actions and learn
 from them. Alternatively the teacher can switch into "demo-mode", where
 all the students' screens show the contents of the teacher's screen.
 Furthermore, actions like locking students' screens, killing games,
 powering clients on or off, and much more can all be performed via iTALC.
 This package contains the management console for iTALC, which helps to
 configure and manage iTALC installations.

Package: libitalccore
Architecture: any
 dpkg (>= 1.15.6~),
Description: intelligent Teaching And Learning with Computers - libraries
 iTALC makes it possible to access and guide the activities of students
 from the computer of the teacher. For example, with the help of iTALC
 a teacher can view the contents of students' screens and see if any of
 them need help. If so, the teacher can access the student's desktop and
 provide support; the student can watch the teacher's actions and learn
 from them. Alternatively the teacher can switch into "demo-mode", where
 all the students' screens show the contents of the teacher's screen.
 Furthermore, actions like locking students' screens, killing games,
 powering clients on or off, and much more can all be performed via iTALC.
 This package provides the common libraries needed for iTALC.
-------------- next part --------------
--- italc.old/debian/italc-client.templates	2013-08-15 10:48:49.746321613 +0200
+++ italc/debian/italc-client.templates	2013-09-02 07:50:19.134443884 +0200
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+# These templates have been reviewed by the debian-l10n-english
+# team
+# If modifications/additions/rewording are needed, please ask
+# debian-l10n-english at lists.debian.org for advice.
+# Even minor modifications require translation updates and such
+# changes should be coordinated with translators and reviewers.
 Template: italc-client/last-group-teacher
 Type: string
@@ -21,120 +30,118 @@
 Template: italc-client/create-keypairs
 Type: boolean
 Default: false
-_Description: Automatically set up iTALC's role model and create iTALC SSL key pairs?
+_Description: Automatically set up iTALC's role model and create key pairs?
  iTALC knows four different access roles for iTALC clients (teacher, student,
  supporter, and administrator).
- iTALC manages this role based client access via SSL keys.
+ iTALC manages this role-based client access via SSL keys.
- After installation of this package you may want those SSL keys to be
- created automatically. If so, you will find the freshly created keys in
- subfolders of /etc/italc/keys.
+ Automatically generated SSL keys will be created in subfolders of
+ /etc/italc/keys.
 Template: italc-client/create-groups-for-roles
 Type: boolean
 Default: true
-_Description: Create Posix groups for iTALC roles now?
- iTALC's role model requires configuration of four Posix groups on your
- system. The available roles are teacher, student, supporter, and admin.
+_Description: Create groups for iTALC roles now?
+ iTALC's role model requires four groups to exist: "teacher", "student",
+ "supporter", and "admin".
- You can either create those four Posix groups now or (re-)use Posix groups
- that already exist on your system.
+ If these four groups are not created now, you will be asked to assign
+ existing groups in their place.
 Template: italc-client/use-existing-groups-for-roles
 Type: boolean
 Default: false
 _Description: Use already existing groups for iTALC roles?
- If you already have set up groups for reflecting the iTALC role model
- (e.g. in your LDAP user/group database) then you can specify those group
+ If groups reflecting the iTALC role model have already been set up
+ (e.g. in the LDAP user/group database) then you can specify those group
  names on the next screens.
 Template: italc-client/group-italc-teacher
 Type: string
 Default: italc-teacher
-_Description: Group for people in the role of iTALC teachers:
- Specify the Posix group name for people in the role of an iTALC teacher.
- The teacher role gives you basic control over iTALC clients in class
- rooms.
+_Description: iTALC teachers role group:
+ Please specify the group name for iTALC teachers.
+ .
+ The teacher role gives basic control over iTALC clients in classrooms.
- If the below field stays empty, then the Posix group root will be used
- instead.
+ If you leave this empty, the "root" group will be used.
 Template: italc-client/del-last-group-teacher
 Type: boolean
 Default: false
-_Description: Do you want to delete the group that was formerly used for this role?
- The Posix group for the iTALC teacher role has been modified.
+_Description: Delete the group that was formerly used for this role?
+ The group for the iTALC teacher role has been modified.
- If unsure, keep the formerly used group and manually investigate your
- system later.
+ Please specify whether the old group should be deleted. If unsure,
+ keep the formerly used group and manually investigate later.
 Template: italc-client/group-italc-student
 Type: string
 Default: italc-student
-_Description: Group for people in the role of iTALC students:
- Specify the Posix group name for people in the role of an iTALC student.
- The iTALC client only starts for users being a member in this group.
+_Description: iTALC students role group:
+ Please specify the group name for iTALC students.
+ .
+ The iTALC client only starts for users who are members of this group.
- If the below field stays empty, then the Posix group root will be used
- instead.
+ If you leave this empty, the "root" group will be used.
 Template: italc-client/del-last-group-student
 Type: boolean
 Default: false
-_Description: Do you want to delete the group that was formerly used for this role?
- The Posix group for the iTALC student role has been modified.
+_Description: Delete the group that was formerly used for this role?
+ The group for the iTALC student role has been modified.
- If unsure, keep the formerly used group and manually investigate your
- system later.
+ Please specify whether the old group should be deleted. If unsure,
+ keep the formerly used group and manually investigate later.
 Template: italc-client/group-italc-supporter
 Type: string
 Default: italc-supporter
-_Description: Group for people in the role of iTALC supporters:
- Specify the Posix group name for people in the role of an iTALC supporter.
- The supporter role gives extended control over the iTALC setup on your
+_Description: iTALC supporters role group:
+ Please specify the group name for iTALC supporters.
+ .
+ The supporter role gives extended control over the iTALC setup on this
  site and facilitates giving support to iTALC users.
- If the below field stays empty, then the Posix group root will be used
- instead.
+ If you leave this empty, the "root" group will be used.
 Template: italc-client/del-last-group-supporter
 Type: boolean
 Default: false
-_Description: Do you want to delete the group that was formerly used for this role?
- The Posix group for the iTALC supporter role has been modified.
+_Description: Delete the group that was formerly used for this role?
+ The group for the iTALC supporter role has been modified.
- If unsure, keep the formerly used group and manually investigate your
- system later.
+ Please specify whether the old group should be deleted. If unsure,
+ keep the formerly used group and manually investigate later.
 Template: italc-client/group-italc-admin
 Type: string
 Default: italc-admin
-_Description: Group for people in the role of iTALC administrators:
- Specify the Posix group name for people in the role of an iTALC
- administrator. The admin role grants full access to the iTALC instance on
- your site.
+_Description: iTALC administrators role group:
+ Please specify the group name for iTALC administrators.
+ .
+ The administrator role grants full access to the iTALC instance on
+ this site.
- If the below field stays empty, then the Posix group root will be used
- instead.
+ If you leave this empty, the "root" group will be used.
 Template: italc-client/del-last-group-admin
 Type: boolean
 Default: false
-_Description: Do you want to delete the group that was formerly used for this role?
- The Posix group for the iTALC admin role has been modified.
+_Description: Delete the group that was formerly used for this role?
+ The group for the iTALC administrator role has been modified.
- If unsure, keep the formerly used group and manually investigate your
- system later.
+ Please specify whether the old group should be deleted. If unsure,
+ keep the formerly used group and manually investigate later.
 Template: italc-client/key-access-for-groups
 Type: boolean
 Default: true
 _Description: Make iTALC's SSL keys accessible to the role model groups?
- To make the iTALC role model fully functional now, specific group access
- to the created SSL keys has to be granted.
+ To make the iTALC role model fully functional, the appropriate groups
+ now need to be granted access to the created SSL keys.
- If you skip this step, iTALC SSL keys are only accessible by the
- super-user `root' and you have to manually setup file permissions on the
- keys later.
+ If you skip this step, iTALC SSL keys will only be accessible to the
+ super-user "root" and you will have to manually set up file permissions
+ on the keys later.
--- italc.old/debian/control	2013-08-15 10:48:49.746321613 +0200
+++ italc/debian/control	2013-08-31 10:42:31.168855310 +0200
@@ -42,18 +42,16 @@
  libitalccore (=${binary:Version}),
-Description: Intelligent Teaching and Learning with Computers - Master
- iTALC makes it possible, to access and influence the students
- activities just from the computer of the teacher. With the
- help of iTALC, for example the teacher is able to see the
- content of the students screens on his screen. If a student needs
- help, the teacher can access the students desktop and give support
- from his computer. The student can watch all activities, the
- teacher is doing on his desktop. So the student can learn new processes.
- For teaching something to all students, you can switch into demo-mode
- where all screens of the students show the teacher-screen.
- Furthermore things like locking student's screens, killing games,
- power on/off clients and much more can be done with iTALC.
+Description: intelligent Teaching And Learning with Computers - master
+ iTALC makes it possible to access and guide the activities of students
+ from the computer of the teacher. For example, with the help of iTALC
+ a teacher can view the contents of students' screens and see if any of
+ them need help. If so, the teacher can access the student's desktop and
+ provide support; the student can watch the teacher's actions and learn
+ from them. Alternatively the teacher can switch into "demo-mode", where
+ all the students' screens show the contents of the teacher's screen.
+ Furthermore, actions like locking students' screens, killing games,
+ powering clients on or off, and much more can all be performed via iTALC.
  This package contains the software necessary to observe and control iTALC
  clients provided by the italc-client package.
@@ -68,21 +66,19 @@
  libitalccore (=${binary:Version}),
  italc-management-console (=${binary:Version}),
-Description: Intelligent Teaching and Learning with Computers - Client
- iTALC makes it possible, to access and influence the students
- activities just from the computer of the teacher. With the
- help of iTALC, for example the teacher is able to see the
- content of the students screens on his screen. If a student needs
- help, the teacher can access the students desktop and give support
- from his computer. The student can watch all activities, the
- teacher is doing on his desktop. So the student can learn new processes.
- For teaching something to all students, you can switch into demo-mode
- where all screens of the students show the teacher-screen.
- Furthermore things like locking student's screens, killing games,
- power on/off clients and much more can be done with iTALC.
+Description: intelligent Teaching And Learning with Computers - client
+ iTALC makes it possible to access and guide the activities of students
+ from the computer of the teacher. For example, with the help of iTALC
+ a teacher can view the contents of students' screens and see if any of
+ them need help. If so, the teacher can access the student's desktop and
+ provide support; the student can watch the teacher's actions and learn
+ from them. Alternatively the teacher can switch into "demo-mode", where
+ all the students' screens show the contents of the teacher's screen.
+ Furthermore, actions like locking students' screens, killing games,
+ powering clients on or off, and much more can all be performed via iTALC.
- This package contains the client software for iTALC that can be controlled
- using italc-master.
+ This package contains the client software for iTALC, which can be
+ controlled using italc-master.
 Package: italc-management-console
 Architecture: any
@@ -92,21 +88,19 @@
  libitalccore (=${binary:Version}),
-Description: Intelligent Teaching and Learning with Computers - Management Console
- iTALC makes it possible, to access and influence the students
- activities just from the computer of the teacher. With the
- help of iTALC, for example the teacher is able to see the
- content of the students screens on his screen. If a student needs
- help, the teacher can access the students desktop and give support
- from his computer. The student can watch all activities, the
- teacher is doing on his desktop. So the student can learn new processes.
- For teaching something to all students, you can switch into demo-mode
- where all screens of the students show the teacher-screen.
- Furthermore things like locking student's screens, killing games,
- power on/off clients and much more can be done with iTALC.
+Description: intelligent Teaching And Learning with Computers - management console
+ iTALC makes it possible to access and guide the activities of students
+ from the computer of the teacher. For example, with the help of iTALC
+ a teacher can view the contents of students' screens and see if any of
+ them need help. If so, the teacher can access the student's desktop and
+ provide support; the student can watch the teacher's actions and learn
+ from them. Alternatively the teacher can switch into "demo-mode", where
+ all the students' screens show the contents of the teacher's screen.
+ Furthermore, actions like locking students' screens, killing games,
+ powering clients on or off, and much more can all be performed via iTALC.
- This package contains the management console for iTALC that helps to configure
- and manage iTALC installations.
+ This package contains the management console for iTALC, which helps to
+ configure and manage iTALC installations.
 Package: libitalccore
 Architecture: any
@@ -121,17 +115,15 @@
-Description: Intelligent Teaching and Learning with Computers - common libraries
- iTALC makes it possible, to access and influence the students
- activities just from the computer of the teacher. With the
- help of iTALC, for example the teacher is able to see the
- content of the students screens on his screen. If a student needs
- help, the teacher can access the students desktop and give support
- from his computer. The student can watch all activities, the
- teacher is doing on his desktop. So the student can learn new processes.
- For teaching something to all students, you can switch into demo-mode
- where all screens of the students show the teacher-screen.
- Furthermore things like locking student's screens, killing games,
- power on/off clients and much more can be done with iTALC.
+Description: intelligent Teaching And Learning with Computers - libraries
+ iTALC makes it possible to access and guide the activities of students
+ from the computer of the teacher. For example, with the help of iTALC
+ a teacher can view the contents of students' screens and see if any of
+ them need help. If so, the teacher can access the student's desktop and
+ provide support; the student can watch the teacher's actions and learn
+ from them. Alternatively the teacher can switch into "demo-mode", where
+ all the students' screens show the contents of the teacher's screen.
+ Furthermore, actions like locking students' screens, killing games,
+ powering clients on or off, and much more can all be performed via iTALC.
- This package provides the necessary library for italc
+ This package provides the common libraries needed for iTALC.
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