Bug#763720: Please enable the vst plugin on i386 and amd64

Tobias Doerffel tobias.doerffel at gmail.com
Fri Oct 3 08:51:14 UTC 2014

You have to install wine32-dev-tools on both platforms (i386 and
amd64!) (wine64-dev-tools is for building 64 bit windows applications
which is not what we desire here) and add


to PATH so wineg++ can be found by CMake. This is required because
even if we would hardcode to use
/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/wine/bin/wineg++ it would fail because wineg++
is a wrapper which calls other files in the mentioned directory as if
they were in PATH. This is an issue with the WINE packages and is not
related to LMMS. All we need is a callable and working wineg++ binary.

Best regards


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