Bug#781479: lmms: Sound is randomly corrupted when opening project

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at hungry.com
Thu Sep 24 21:37:32 UTC 2015

[Jakob Wiedner]
> Hello,
> I tested lmms from the git repo.

Thank you for testing.

> The problem still exists but is now shorter. While before the sound
> became corrupted and stayed even after program restart, now it lasts
> only for about 1 second and then the sound is normal again. While the
> sound is corrupted, the position line (the white vertical line showing
> where you are) moves around three times as fast. It appears to me that
> somehow the playback speed is misinterpreted and the corrupted sound
> is then actually a kind of kakophonic fast forward (to allow myself
> this flippant remark).

I have no idea what could be wrong.  I suspect this should be reported
upstream.  It would be great if you could do this yourself, to make it
easy for the developers to reach you for more details if they need it.

Did you see anything from valgrind with the new version when you
experience the problem?

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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