NXT tools in Debian

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at hungry.com
Thu Feb 18 12:16:39 UTC 2016

Hi, Slavko.

> I am sorry, i will not update the package anymore, because i have no
> Debian box to build and test the package - due the systemd integration
> i was not able to run desktop without this great peace of the software,
> then I switch to another distribution (with "nosystemd" option), where i
> continue to contribute.

Thank you for your great contributions in the past, and good luck with
your future endeavors.  And thank you for letting us know.

> I willed to post the orphan bugreport, but 1) i forgot about it and 2)
> i don't know how to do it now.

Please orphan the packages, to make it easier for others to continue
your work.  Do you happen to contribute to Lego related tools in the
other distribution?  If so, perhaps it make sense to share patches?

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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