Bug#864721: Re : Bug#864721: algobox: There is no way to create real functions (and other wishes)

nicolas.patrois at gmail.com nicolas.patrois at gmail.com
Thu Sep 28 18:37:56 UTC 2017

Le 28/09/2017 02:51:56, David Prévot a écrit :

> Forwarding your requests to Pascal Brachet (algobox upstream author),
> he
> is in a better place to reply and/or address your requests than I am.
> Please note there have been some improvements in the recent upstream
> releases, does all your request still apply to the 1.0.2+dfsg-1
> version?

Because of the new version of the French school program in high school (lycée), Pascal Brachet upgraded Algobox with the mathematical function.
It’s done and you can close the bug.

nicolas patrois : pts noir asocial

M : Qu'est-ce qu'il nous faudrait pour qu'on nous considère comme des humains ? Un cerveau plus gros ?
P : Non... Une carte bleue suffirait...

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