Bug#964318: gosa login broken with PHP 7.4

Wolfgang Schweer w.schweer at gmx.de
Thu Jul 9 20:54:34 BST 2020

On Mon, Jul 06, 2020 at 12:05:44PM +0200, Wolfgang Schweer wrote:
> In both encrypt and decrypt cases, the chosen cipher method seems to 
> return 0.

This is the case because the chosen method (aes-256-ecb) doesn't use an 
initialization vector ($iv) at all, causing its length ($ivlen) to be 0, 
see e.g. https://usr.ed48.com/php/ssl/?xf=7

So the encrypt/decrypt implementation seems to have been sort of wrong 
before (and only now with PHP 7.4 an error is thrown).

Please check and test the attached changes to 
/usr/share/gosa/include/functions.inc and 
/usr/sbin/gosa-encrypt-passwords; works for me, but then my skills are 
low level and this is a quite sensitive issue.

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