www.debian.org: please update link to Debian Flyer on events/material

Joost van Baal joostvb-debian-bugs-20050510-3@mdcc.cx
Tue, 10 May 2005 22:50:18 +0200

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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Package: www.debian.org
Severity: normal
Tags: patch


The Debian Flyer has a new homepage.  This patch for
cvs.debian.org/webwml/webwml/english/events/material.wml fixes the now
obsolete reference:


--- material.wml        2004-09-24 14:10:04.192505186 +0200
+++ material.wml.new    2005-05-10 22:41:18.206401880 +0200
@@ -63,14 +63,9 @@
 regarding to Debian, can entice people to contribute and for it's
 paper they can take notes on it! All in all, they are pretty useful.</p>

-<p>You can <a href="materials/flyers/general/">retrieve</a> the
-full source used for building multilingual flyers, and you can  also
-<a href="materials/flyers/">browse the files</a>. Currently, flyers are
-available in English, German, Swedish, Italian, French, Dutch and
-Spanish. Translating the general flyer to a new language is
-as easy as translating the english.tex file and following the building
-instructions in the <a href="materials/flyers/general/readme.txt">\
-readme.txt</a>  file.</p>
+<p>Sources for a multilingual flyer, as well as instructions for printing are
+available from the <a href="http://debian-flyers.alioth.debian.org">Debian
+Flyers webpage</a>.</p>

 <p>For pamphlets, there are <a href="materials/pamphlets/">AbiWord files</a>
 available for both English and Spanish that can be easily translated into


all content below materials/flyers/general can probably get removed: I
don't think it'll be updated any longer.

The Debian Flyers project publishes typesetted stuff on it's own page.

Thanks, Bye,


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