Flyer Re-print for CeBIT

Joost van Baal joostvb-debian-flyers-20060316-3 at
Thu Mar 16 13:36:05 UTC 2006

Op ma 20 feb 2006 om 08:28:58 +0000 schreef W. Borgert:
> On Wed, Feb 15, 2006 at 07:05:06PM +0100, Joost van Baal wrote:
> > around and popular for the coming, say, 3 years.  As Michael Banck
> > suggested, it might be better just to be very conservative about
> > mentioning specific implementations.  Anything "smaller" than, say,
> Feel free to take this patch or throw it away or re-work :-)
> Notes:
> - please proof-read my patch - I'm not a native speaker.
> - mentioning Firefox, Thunderbird, OpenOffice, GNOME, KDE, The
>   GIMP and some famous server suites, programming languages and
>   documentation systems, but not more
> - this breaks all translations - don't commit, if you care
> - I changed also CD into DVD/CD etc.

I like this part of the change (we do offer official DVD images),
committed it.  I feel other parts of the change are not really needed

Thanks a lot!



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