Errors in Debian flyer page

Alban Vidal alban.vidal at
Sat Feb 9 13:34:17 GMT 2019

Hello the flyer team,

I've found three errors in the Debian flyer page:


1 - On the translated Debian flyers in PostScript and PDF:

On each link, the first page is in english, and the second is in German.
Example :

The All-in-one PostScript or PDF file works.

It is the same in salsa repository:

If you want I can upload the correct versions for each languages in a
forked repository and create merge request.


2 - The link bellow "All-in-one - Debian Social Contract, PDF" return a
code 404:

If just need to run make in the "social_contract" directory and push to
salsa, I can also create merge request.


3 - The "" script does not longer work :

Because the original file CVS/Entries does not longer exists.




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