[Debian-ha-maintainers] Comments regarding openais-legacy_0.80.5+svn20090320-1_amd64.changes

Martin Gerhard Loschwitz martin.loschwitz at linbit.com
Sun May 17 19:24:16 UTC 2009

Hi Mark,

thank you very much for your attention, and while I am at it, let me  
also thank you
for the magnificient and tremendous job that you are doing for the  
Debian Project.
I sure think that without of the help of people like you, Debian would  
not be the
great project that it is these days.

As for the openais-situation, I would first like to point you to an  
Email I wrote to the
pacemaker-mailinglist, pointing out the ideas behind creating a new  
set of pace-
maker packages. You can find that Email here:


The reason why I believe it's a good idea to create a second load of  
ages at this point is that we will need both versions of openais to  
stick around
for a while. We need the "legacy ones", the whitetank-tree, to have a  
working openais-
pacemaker-boundle in unstable / testing / maybe backports at the  
moment, but at
the same time, I want to make sure that those normal openais-packages  
(the ones
without -legacy)  can continue to use latest upstream, which is  
undergoing quite a
heavy development at this time. De facto, we are not hijacking the  
kernel teams
packages, but we are packaging a version of openais that is by all  
means older
than what they are wanting to use in the future (openais 0.9x-tree).  
By creating the
-legacy-packages, our initial plan was simply to make sure we don't  
get into the
kernel team's way.

Furthermore, let me point out that I have been talking to F. Schuler,  
who is co-main-
taining the openais-packages at the moment, to make sure we reach our  
target, which is a brilliant HA-structure in the upcoming Debian  
Squeeze, and, if
by any chance possible, in Lenny with the way of backports. This might  
alsi include
transferring the openais-packages over to the Debian HA group. As we  
are spea-
king, I am finishing my work on brand new pacemaker and heartbeat  

I hope I could help you out with this piece of information; if you  
need to know any-
thing else, please don't hestitate at all to contact me about it. I  
will do whatever I
can to make your work more pleasant.

Best Regards

Am May 17, 2009 um 7:45 PM schrieb Mark Hymers:

> About openais-legacy in NEW.
> Can you please clarify for me the maintainer situation of this  
> package?  Is
> openais still maintained by the Debian kernel team?  If so, what is  
> the purpose
> of this package?  We're concerned that this is a hijack / duplicate  
> package
> so if you can let us know the details, it'll help us deal with it.
> Thanks,
> Mark

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