MR. ABELARD ABSOLON abelardabsolon at centrum.sk
Wed Aug 4 13:54:18 UTC 2010


How are you today? We have been given the mandate to transfer your full compensation payment total sum of 1.5 Million Euros (One Million Five Hundred Thousand Euros), via western union by this government. I was calling your telephone number to give you the information through phone but you did not pick up my calls through out that yesterday even this morning. Now, you should kindly contact Mr. Patrick Wilfred Western Union Money Transfer director immediately through their official Email address: (wun.operation_unit2011 at w.cn) and Direct Phone Number: +229-98273697. As you call or email them, do ask him to give you MTCN, text question and answer so that, you will start pick up your first 5,000 Euros over there in your Country.

Meanwhile, it is absolutely mandatory you provide them with the following information, so that they will make sure it is you to avoid wrong transfer of your first 5,000 Euros:

So you are to re-confirm to them the below information:

Your. Receiver----------

Your. Country-----------

Your. Occupation--------

Your. Age/sex-----------

Your. City-----------

Your. Tel----------

Your. Test question------

Your. Answer-----------

Your. ID-----------

Note that above info should be directed to Mr. Patrick Wilfred the Western Union Office director in charge of your payment via email (wun.operation_unit2011 at w.cn).


Thanks and Remain Blessed,

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