[Debian-ha-maintainers] Bug#612024: Bug#612024: DETAILS: gfs2-tools: File corruption when copying large files to gfs filesystem

Guido Günther agx at sigxcpu.org
Sat Feb 5 21:52:47 UTC 2011

On Sat, Feb 05, 2011 at 04:16:10PM +1930, Olaf Reitmaier Veracierta wrote:
> Tests that have been made with files over 6GB in a server with LVM
> partitions containing EXT3 and GFS2 filesystems (LVM partitions are
> distributed over a SAN and LOCAL DISK).
> 1) Copy from LOCAL DISK (EXT3) to LOCAL DISK (EXT3). Result: OK.
> 2) Copy from LOCAL DISK (EXT3) to LOCAL DISK (GFS2). Result: OK.
> 3) Copy from LOCAL DISK (EXT3) to SAN (EXT3). Result: OK.
> 4) Copy from LOCAL DISK (EXT3) to SAN (GFS2). Result: BAD (Always with large
> files).
> Then BAD qualification was done using both md5sum and sha1sum.
> If the SAN or QLOGIC firmware from the FC NIC is the problem then why with
> EXT3 filesystems errors never appears and all files are copied correctly?.

Anything in the kernel log or does this happen silently? Could you
create a gfs2 filesystem with lock_nolock 

 $ mkfs -t gfs2 -p lock_nolock -j 1 /dev/block_device
 $ mount -t gfs2 /dev/block_device /dir

and try to reproduce?
 -- Guido

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