[Debian-ha-maintainers] shared Git repository layout

Richard B Winters rik at mmogp.com
Thu Apr 16 21:22:00 UTC 2015

On Thu, 2015-04-16 at 22:24 +0200, Ferenc Wagner wrote:
> Richard B Winters <rik at mmogp.com> writes:
> > Thank you for the explanation; let me see if I have this right:
> >
> > 1. Clone upstream's master as our master
> > 2. Import the release tarball using gbp,  it will import to upstream
> > branch and tag it
> > 3. Create debian branches (sid,experimental) and populate with debian
> > directory
> > 4. Merge master or upstream branch, into debian/*
> More precisely: merge upstream's master into our upstream branch, then
> merge the upstream branch info debian/sid.

That clarifies a lot for me, and alleviates an assumption that I made.

The shared repository on Alioth is all good now; I'm working out of
master for stable* (though its for jessie), and will be sure to branch
off into debian/<deb-release> for the other branches.

Thanks for the reply on the rest of it; I had misinterpreted you at a
couple points but I believe I'm all straight now.

Though to alleviate the email mess; I've setup the repositories as
mentioned in the 'Next candidate' email.

For the record though I only imported the version I created of libqb
(well which we both worked on) to the Alioth repository

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