[Debian-ha-maintainers] Processed: limit source to libqb, tagging 794566

Ferenc Wagner wferi at niif.hu
Mon Aug 10 15:51:00 UTC 2015

Christoph Berg <christoph.berg at credativ.de> writes:

> Re: Ferenc Wagner 2015-08-04 <87h9off1jc.fsf at lant.ki.iif.hu>
>> Btw. can't you use arch tags in a generic symbols file instead of having
>> separate kfreebsd and ppc ones?  I mean something like
>> (arch=!kfreebsd-any)qb_epoll_init at Base 0.14.2
>> for example.
> deb-symbols(5) doesn't mention that possibility, though it would be
> handy to have.

Yes, but dpkg-gensymbols(1) does under "symbol tags", because such
constructs can be used in templates.

> (OTOH it would probably be break the way symbols files are maintained
> atm, namely using patch files. Or be pretty hard to implement sanely.)

I don't know, never tried myself.  It looks useful, though, so I'd
expect nice debhelper support.

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