[Debian-ha-maintainers] Bug#795163: deb-symbols(5) grammar is missing symbol tags

Christoph Berg christoph.berg at credativ.de
Tue Aug 11 10:05:52 BST 2015

Package: dpkg-dev
Version: 1.18.1
Severity: normal


when looking up if symbols could have tags (especially arch restrictions)
I first looked at dpkg-shlibdeps(1) which then directed me to deb-symbols(5):

       The format for an extended shared library dependency information entry in these files is:

       library-soname main-dependency-template
       [| alternative-dependency-template]
       [* field-name: field-value]
        symbol minimal-version [id-of-dependency-template]

This grammar doesn't allow tags so I gave up.

The correct information would have been in dpkg-gensymbols(1):

        (tag1=i am marked|tag name with space)"tagged quoted symbol"@Base 1.0
        (optional)tagged_unquoted_symbol at Base 1.0 1
        untagged_symbol at Base 1.0

Please add (probably better move) this information to deb-symbols(5).
(I guess most of the background info should be moved to section 5.)

cb at df7cb.de | http://www.df7cb.de/
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