[Debian-ha-maintainers] Enabling secret params

Dhionel Díaz ddiaz at cenditel.gob.ve
Fri Sep 18 22:27:55 UTC 2015

Hi everyone,

In the cluster I'm setting up, secret parameters are being used to store
some access data. The attached patches contain changes that were
required to enable the use of such parameters. The cibsecret script was
removed from cluster-glue to avoid a collision, I guess some other
changes should then be made to the packages' control files but I'm not
sure what would be appropriate.

Some limited testing has been performed with successful results up to
now. I hope they can be useful.


Dhionel Díaz
Centro Nacional de Desarrollo e Investigación en Tecnologías Libres
Ministerio del Poder Popular para
Educación Universitaria, Ciencia y Tecnología
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