[Debian-ha-maintainers] Bug#809764: Bug#809764: libqb6-dev and libqb-dev: error when trying to install together

Christoph Berg myon at debian.org
Mon Jan 4 16:40:11 UTC 2016

Re: Herbert Fortes 2016-01-04 <20160104143601.f6eaed358afd42577db72c1f at ig.com.br>
> > I agree that webcamoid is who should be adapted.
> > 
> > Using 'Conflicts' is the easy way for me. I'm not sure
> > in how to put the file in something like /usr/lib/*/webcamoid/
> > (it was suggested). How do I do to the file be found.
> > 
> I have this on Qb/commons.pri:
> isEmpty(PREFIX): PREFIX = /usr
> isEmpty(LIBDIR): LIBDIR = $${EXECPREFIX}/lib
> And in debian/rules:
> Is the search recursive ?

If there are "external" users of that library, you need to keep it in
/usr/lib or /usr/lib/$triplet.

If there's only "internal" users like plugins built from the same
source or the like, you could move it to a sub directory and then use
linker magic (rpath, etc) to point the loader there, but that's all
going to be a maintenance burden.

cb at df7cb.de | http://www.df7cb.de/
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