[Debian-ha-maintainers] resource-agents_3.9.7-1~bpo8+1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into jessie-backports, jessie-backports

Debian FTP Masters ftpmaster at ftp-master.debian.org
Tue Mar 15 08:01:02 UTC 2016


Hash: SHA256

Format: 1.8
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2016 16:24:19 +0100
Source: resource-agents
Binary: resource-agents ldirectord
Architecture: source amd64 all
Version: 1:3.9.7-1~bpo8+1
Distribution: jessie-backports
Urgency: high
Maintainer: Debian HA Maintainers <debian-ha-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
Changed-By: Christoph Berg <christoph.berg at credativ.de>
 ldirectord - Monitors virtual services provided by LVS
 resource-agents - Cluster Resource Agents
Closes: 569533 577572 577574 577575 579623 598549 608274 639260 639274 646110 664645 672265 675913 681818 690928 707878 709410 720453 739873 752667 802990
 resource-agents (1:3.9.7-1~bpo8+1) jessie-backports; urgency=medium
   * Rebuild for jessie-backports.
 resource-agents (1:3.9.7-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release.
   * Add shebang line to runocft.
 resource-agents (1:3.9.6-2) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Fix arch-all build by not attempting to fix the findif.sh permissions.
 resource-agents (1:3.9.6-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   [ Christoph Berg ]
   * New upstream release.
     + ldirectord uses inet_ntop correctly. (Closes: #752667)
     + Xen handler supports "xl". (Closes: #672265)
     + Pure-FTPd RA creates pidfile directory. (Closes: #707878)
     + Removed bashism within Xinitd (Closes: #690928)
     + Bashism in pgsql agent fixed (Closes: #802990)
     + Upgrading from previous version fixed (Closes: #739873)
     + Crash fixed (Closes: #569533)
     + IPv6addr fixed (Closes: #709410)
     + findif doesn't require netmask anymore (Closes: #720453)
     + lxc agent fixed (Closes: #681818)
   * Update debian/copyright.
   * Bump dh compat to 9.
   * Rewrite ldirectord description, the old one was a mess.
   * Install upstream ldirectord.cf as example.
   * debian/ldirectord.init: remove "exec". (Closes: #664645)
   * debian/patches/mysql-path.patch: Now applies to heartbeat/mysql-common.sh.
   * Remove debian/patches/ocf-asterisk, went upstream.
   * Drop resource-agents-dev, it only contained a single line in a single file
     (but was Arch: any). Move agent_config.h to resource-agents.
   * Simplify debian/*.install.
   * Replace hardening-wrapper with buildflags.mk.
   * Build-Depend on systemd for systemd.pc.
   * Remove Python-Version from debian/control.
   * Write .tarball-version at build-time.
   * Add myself to Uploaders; bump Standards-Version.
   [ Adrian Vondendriesch ]
   * Install upstream ldirectord.service file
   * Drop fix-gethostinfo-v2 patch. The original bug is fixed by upstream
     commit 9d91c7 and 0d4438.
   * Add myself to Uploaders.
   * Add VCS-Git and VCS-Homepage to debian/changelog.
   * Change debian/watch to track new upstream location.
 resource-agents (1:3.9.5+git+a626847-1) experimental; urgency=medium
   * New upstream checkout
   * debian/control: Bump Standards-Version
 resource-agents (1:3.9.5+git20130726-1) experimental; urgency=low
   * New upstream checkout
 resource-agents (1:3.9.5-1) experimental; urgency=low
   * New upstream release
 resource-agents (1:3.9.3+git20121009-3) unstable; urgency=low
   * Fix the previous upload by including the proper patch this time.
 resource-agents (1:3.9.3+git20121009-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * debian/patches/fix-gethostinfo-v2.patch: Applied a patch by Zang
     MingJie, edited by Ruben Laban, to fix a problem related to IPv6 in
     ldirectord (Closes: #675913)
 resource-agents (1:3.9.3+git20121009-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream version
   * debian/patches/01_docbook_patch.patch: Refactored for new release
   * debian/patches/02_spelling_fixes.patch.new: Refatored for new release
   * debian/control: Bumped Standards-Version to 3.9.3
 resource-agents (1:3.9.2-5) unstable; urgency=high
   * debian/control: Fix the Conflicts and Replaces lines of resource-agents
     to make sure that cluster-agents and resource-agents are mutually
     exclusive. Setting the urgency to high because this bug keeps people
     from running the whole clusterstack (Closes: #646110)
   * debian/patches/ocf-asterisk: Include the Asterisk PBX OCF resource agent
     written by Florian Haas, Andreas Kurz and me, sponsored by hastexo
 resource-agents (1:3.9.2-4) unstable; urgency=low
   * Adopted numerous changes from the Ubuntu packages, implemented by Andres
     Rodriguez to make co-maintaining these packages in Ubuntu and Debian a
     bit easier.
 resource-agents (1:3.9.2-3) unstable; urgency=low
   * debian/rules: Remove /usr/share/cluster/drbd.metadata from the final
     resource-agents package as it conflicts with drbd8-utils, too. Bollocks!
     (Closes: #639260)
 resource-agents (1:3.9.2-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Remove the RHCS DRBD resource agent (/usr/share/cluster/drbd.sh) so that
     this package does not conflict with drbd8-utils (Closes: #639260)
   * Add Conflicts for current versions of rgmanager -- versions of rgmanager
     newer than the one currently in Debian will fix the problem, but right
     now, there is no other way to deal with this (Closes: #639274)
 resource-agents (1:3.9.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Package rename due to restructuring from upstream
   * Added resource-agents-dev package to hold the important header file
   * New upstream release from new repository
   * Updated to new Policy version, no changes necessary
   * Adapt patches to work with the new upstream version
 cluster-agents (1:1.0.3-4) unstable; urgency=low
   * Use correct paths on Debian/GNU Linux in MySQL resource agent
     (Closes: #608274)
   * Add build dependency on python
     - Fixes build failure on both unstable and testing
 cluster-agents (1:1.0.3-3.1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Non-maintainer upload.
   * debian/patches
     - (CVE-*): New patch. Fix CVE-2010-3389 insecure library loading using
       LD_LIBRARY_PATH. (important, security; Closes: #598549).
 cluster-agents (1:1.0.3-3) unstable; urgency=low
   * Add build dependency on docbook-xml. (Closes: #579623)
 cluster-agents (1:1.0.3-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Adopting patch from Andres Rodriguez and actually include it.
 cluster-agents (1:1.0.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Update to new upstream version 1.0.3
   * Include example configuration file provided by Michael Schwartzkopff
     (Closes: #577575)
   * Add default file for ldirectord and patch init file to use it
     (Closes: #577572, #577574)
 cluster-agents (1:1.0.2+hg1712-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream Mercurial checkout
   * Prepare for unstable upload and actually do it
   * Include files added by upstream in cluster-agents
 cluster-agents (1:1.0.2+hg1702-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New package revision prepared for upload to unstable.
   * Update debian/copyright: list LGPL and GPL version 2 components.
   * ldirectord: check for a config file in initscript, and do nothing
     if it is not present.
 cluster-agents (1:1.0.2+hg1686-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New package revision prepared for upload to unstable.
   * Install ldirector.8 manpage.
   * Drop unused lintian overrides.
 cluster-agents (1:1.0.2+hg1657-2) unstable; urgency=low
   [ Martin Loschwitz ]
   * Update the copyright-file to be more appropriate and up to date.
 cluster-agents (1:1.0.2+hg1657-1) unstable; urgency=low
   [ Martin Loschwitz ]
   * New package revision prepared for upload to unstable.
 cluster-agents (1:1.0.2-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
   [ Simon Horman ]
   * Add build dependency on xsltproc.
   * Use dh_installinit to install the debian ldirectord init script.
   * Do not pass --sourcedir to dh_install.
   [ Frederik Schüler ]
   * Use source version 3.0 instead of dpatch, drop dependency accordingly.
   * Bump standards version to 3.8.4, no changes needed.
   * Install lintian override file.
   * Install manpages.
   * Really clean up in clean target.
   * debian/control: drop duplicate Section: field.
 cluster-agents (1:1.0.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release.
 cluster-agents (1:1.0.2~rc2a+hg20100127-0test1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Incorporating a whole lot of changes done by Ante Karamatic to
     these packages; thank you very much indeed!
   * New upstream version taken from linux-ha.org repository
   * Fix dependencies for ldirectord and include var/lock/subsys/ldirectord
 cluster-agents (1:1.0.2~rc2a-0ubuntu0ppa5) lucid; urgency=low
   * Add libglib2.0-dev to build-deps
 cluster-agents (1:1.0.2~rc2a-0ubuntu0ppa4) lucid; urgency=low
   * Add pkg-config to build-deps
 cluster-agents (1:1.0.2~rc2a-0ubuntu0ppa3) lucid; urgency=low
   * Fix typo in build-depends
 cluster-agents (1:1.0.2~rc2a-0ubuntu0ppa2) lucid; urgency=low
   * Added autoconf, automake and libtool to build-deps
 cluster-agents (1:1.0.2~rc2a-0ubuntu0ppa1) lucid; urgency=low
   * New upstream version
   * Added dpatch, docbook-xsl and xsltproc to build-deps
   * debian/patches/01_local_docbook:
    - use local docbook-xsl
 cluster-agents (1:1.0+hg20091103-1~bpo50+1) lenny-backports; urgency=low
   * Rebuild for lenny-backports.
 cluster-agents (1:1.0+hg20091103-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Updated upstream tarball to fetch some important updates
 cluster-agents (1:1.0+hg20091012-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream version
 cluster-agents (1:1.0+hg20090915-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Initial release of packages for the cluster agents collection
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 c59096b1bacc704e8a5a285f15729109 646048 admin optional resource-agents_3.9.7.orig.tar.gz
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 2265e7466f7c55475592e5006ba0fe30 77994 admin extra ldirectord_3.9.7-1~bpo8+1_all.deb

Version: GnuPG v1


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