[Debian-ha-maintainers] RM: booth, openais, redhat-cluster

Adrian.Vondendriesch Adrian.Vondendriesch at credativ.de
Fri Mar 18 12:55:45 UTC 2016

Am 18.03.2016 um 13:01 schrieb Christoph Berg:
> Hi,
> would anyone mind if we removed booth, openais, and redhat-cluster from
> unstable?
> booth doesn't have any rdeps; the only rdep of openais and
> redhat-cluster is the mipsel binary of gfs2-utils (FTBFS only on that
> arch, the others are on a newer version that doesn't depend on these
> packages anymore).

I don't see any benefit in keeping openais or redhat-cluster.
+1 from me for removing those two packages.

booth is another story. I my opinion we should keep booth in debian.
It's actively maintained (v1.0 was released 2 days ago). However, if one
need to set-up a geographical distributed HA-Cluster he should have the
chance to use booth for ticket management. (SLES HAE also ships booth [1])



 - Adrian

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