[Debian-ha-maintainers] pacemaker_1.1.18-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

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Wed May 2 12:09:37 BST 2018


Hash: SHA512

Format: 1.8
Date: Wed, 02 May 2018 12:18:36 +0200
Source: pacemaker
Binary: pacemaker-common pacemaker-resource-agents pacemaker pacemaker-cli-utils pacemaker-remote pacemaker-doc libcib4 libcib-dev libcrmcluster4 libcrmcluster-dev libcrmcommon3 libcrmcommon-dev libcrmservice3 libcrmservice-dev liblrmd1 liblrmd-dev libpe-rules2 libpe-status10 libpengine10 libpengine-dev libstonithd2 libstonithd-dev libtransitioner2
Architecture: source
Version: 1.1.18-1
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Debian HA Maintainers <debian-ha-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
Changed-By: Ferenc Wágner <wferi at debian.org>
 libcib-dev - cluster resource manager CIB library development
 libcib4    - cluster resource manager CIB library
 libcrmcluster-dev - cluster resource manager cluster library development
 libcrmcluster4 - cluster resource manager cluster library
 libcrmcommon-dev - cluster resource manager common library development
 libcrmcommon3 - cluster resource manager common library
 libcrmservice-dev - cluster resource manager service library development
 libcrmservice3 - cluster resource manager service library
 liblrmd-dev - cluster resource manager LRMD library development
 liblrmd1   - cluster resource manager LRMD library
 libpe-rules2 - cluster resource manager Policy Engine rules library
 libpe-status10 - cluster resource manager Policy Engine status library
 libpengine-dev - cluster resource manager Policy Engine library development
 libpengine10 - cluster resource manager Policy Engine library
 libstonithd-dev - cluster resource manager STONITH daemon library development
 libstonithd2 - cluster resource manager STONITH daemon library
 libtransitioner2 - cluster resource manager transitioner library
 pacemaker  - cluster resource manager
 pacemaker-cli-utils - cluster resource manager command line utilities
 pacemaker-common - cluster resource manager common files
 pacemaker-doc - cluster resource manager HTML documentation
 pacemaker-remote - cluster resource manager proxy daemon for remote nodes
 pacemaker-resource-agents - cluster resource manager general resource agents
 pacemaker (1.1.18-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * [da58a7f] Some overlooked libqb vs new binutils symbol flux
   * [c6b8c8a] New upstream release (1.1.18)
   * [871dcfa] Delete upstreamed patches, refresh the rest
   * [7c9e795] Add post-1.1.18 regression fixes
     * 1.1.18 improved scalability by eliminating redundant node attribute
     write-outs. This proved to be too aggressive in one case: when a
     cluster is configured with only IP addresses (no node names) in
     corosync.conf, attribute write-outs can be incorrectly delayed; in the
     worst case, this prevents a node from shutting down due to the shutdown
     attribute not being written.
     * 1.1.18 overhauled unfencing in order to support it on remote nodes.
     (Unfencing is for devices such as fence_scsi that require a fenced node
     to be explicitly re-admitted to the cluster.) This made the faulty
     assumption that the fence devices themselves could operate before
     unfencing happened. As a result, a cluster with unfencing could see
     unnecessary fence device monitoring failures (these do not harm the
     cluster's ability to fence or unfence).
     * 1.1.18 implemented ordering constraints for the new bundle resource
     type. This had a corner case that could lead to an invalid transition.
     As part of the fix for this, we have included a fix for an issue
     discussed in an earlier thread on this list ("pcmk_remote evaluation"),
     so the cluster will always prefer the newest Pacemaker Remote
     connection to a remote node, even if an older (dead) connection has not
     yet timed out.
   * [4d9e29c] Update Standards-Version to 4.1.4 (no changes required)
   * [c77cdf4] Migrate to salsa.debian.org/ha-team
   * [269dcb6] Switch to HTTPS in the Homepage and Source URLs
   * [371288b] Switch to Debhelper compat level 11
   * [c58d652] Replace hand-made control substitution with stock dpkg method.
     Remove the superfluous check_header_deps call as well.
   * [eb76cbd] Update symbols files
 8619a5cc63f9d7c4615174f42ada29a7faebf4b5 3829 pacemaker_1.1.18-1.dsc
 2fc2a74bb13917e44189dc330f8104fd27c5ec79 5321212 pacemaker_1.1.18.orig.tar.gz
 1b6b217d5159af17619464ab49af36012b1ee1d6 79112 pacemaker_1.1.18-1.debian.tar.xz
 66dbe2cbb9f6a9b0477f7c4c39279660e1a4278c 29159 pacemaker_1.1.18-1_amd64.buildinfo
 90490c0861f6dfc1109358cd626ceb0c9f6cbbc69be2590e0ad0c28635bcebab 3829 pacemaker_1.1.18-1.dsc
 a71921c1e2a93c5bed6199fb41464a1cff887be515f4a0ffbc2c92bc98d233af 5321212 pacemaker_1.1.18.orig.tar.gz
 0e239dffc66b94d8286d54f89f7f733333145788e8b0717650f40eb4ff666197 79112 pacemaker_1.1.18-1.debian.tar.xz
 d906a30cf29e328b29f3a7735101c8ac3a3a75cf82de15917c948702799f6e43 29159 pacemaker_1.1.18-1_amd64.buildinfo
 f7faf533f4dd1e9b4c0e512a485ae80a 3829 admin optional pacemaker_1.1.18-1.dsc
 d9edfa9eeba87fd3480690fad3af6049 5321212 admin optional pacemaker_1.1.18.orig.tar.gz
 538e48d81662ff2b3632ec3f2b3bcbab 79112 admin optional pacemaker_1.1.18-1.debian.tar.xz
 985b53c389a5a010620127400fb0391e 29159 admin optional pacemaker_1.1.18-1_amd64.buildinfo



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