[Debian-ha-maintainers] Debian HA documentation and version migration

Michael Firth MFirth at nevion.com
Fri Oct 4 16:21:19 BST 2019


Apologies for mailing what seems to be a "maintainers" mailing list for Debian HA, but there doesn't seem to be a "users" list that I have been able to find.

Is there any more up-to-date information on running HA processes on Debian than the page at:


That, and the "Clusters from Scratch" page both seem to be only talking about Debian Jessie, which is now two releases behind the "stable" Debian release.

Also, some of the links on the top level "Debian-HA" page are now dead, for example the one to alioth.debian.org.

Most specifically, I have a pair of systems running Debian Stretch with HA pretty successfully.

What I would like to do, if possible, is to upgrade the machines to Buster at some point soon, however, it looks like the packages in Debian Buster require different configuration from what Jessie and Stretch needed, and I haven't yet found any good guidance on how to convert the configuration from one format to the other successfully.

Additionally, I'm not sure if will be possible to convert from one to the other without a massive amount of down time - it looks like there may be some interoperability between the versions of Pacemaker in Stretch and Buster, but I don't think it is possible to get the different versions of Corosync to communicate.

I guess one possibility might be to either create a backport of the Buster version of Corosync to Stretch, or a "forward port" of the Stretch version of Corosync to Buster, but I'm not really sure what would be needed for that, or even if that would help the situation.

So any advice or links on how to perform such a migration would be gratefully received.

If I manage to find a route for doing this, I wouldn't mind creating a HOWTO guide for others, but at the moment I don't think I have a route I'm confident will let me do what I need to start investigating.

Thanks in advance

mfirth at nevion.com

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