[Debian-ha-maintainers] Bug#940696: please add drbdtop or keep drbd-overview

Joe Rayhawk jrayhawk+bugs.debian.org at fairlystable.org
Sat Feb 8 17:36:11 GMT 2020

On Thu, 19 Sep 2019 08:24:46 +0200 Harald Dunkel <harald.dunkel at aixigo.com> wrote:
> Would it be possible to either *keep* drbd-overview (I am using it
> for monitoring) or to add drbdtop to Debian?

While not nearly as pleasant to work with as drbd-overview, drbdadm can
produce output marginally servicable for use in crontabs, including
uninitialized drbd resources.

    set -o pipefail
    /sbin/drbdadm sh-status | /usr/bin/pee \
      '! /bin/grep ^_cstate | /bin/grep -v Connected' \
      '! /bin/grep ^_peer   | /bin/grep -v Secondary' \
      '! /bin/grep ^_role   | /bin/grep -v Primary'   \
      '! /bin/grep ^_disk   | /bin/grep -v UpToDate'  \
      '! /bin/grep ^_pdsk   | /bin/grep -v UpToDate'
    # /usr/bin/pee from the moreutils package

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