[Debian-handbook-translators] Questions about translations using Weblate
Éverton Arruda
root at earruda.eti.br
Mon Jul 30 13:30:43 UTC 2012
Hi, Raphael,
i read an e-mail[0] you sent about the IT translation, where the
translations made by someone that was not in the translators list were not
being commited.
My questions are:
Is it necessary for someone to be in the translators list in order to have
his translations accepted?
If so, can we add new translators in the README file and push it?
Thanks in advance
"What he learns we all learn. What he knows we all benefit from" Linux, The
future is Open
Éverton M. Arruda Jr. (Notrev) - http://earruda.eti.br | @everton_arruda
Debian-AM - http://am.debianbrasil.org/
Projeto Software Livre Amazonas (PSL-AM) - http://am.softwarelivre.org
Comunidade Software Livre - http://www.comunidadesol.org
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