[Debian-handbook-translators] Italian translate status
Paride Desimone
huan at autistici.org
Thu Apr 27 21:29:38 BST 2023
Hi, I'm an old translator of a chapter of the debian handbook. I would
like to know at what stage the Italian translation is and possibly if
there are still untranslated chapters, how to go about translating them.
But above all I would like to be sure of not stepping on anyone's toes,
which instead they did with me in his time.
Chi e' pronto a rinunciare alle proprie liberta' fondamentali per
comprarsi briciole di temporanea sicurezza non merita ne' la liberta'
ne' la sicurezza.(Benjamin Franklin - dalla Risposta al Governatore,
Assemblea della Pennsylvania, 11 novembre 1755)
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