[Debian-in-workers] suggestions for working on the installer needed
Rajesh Menon
Wed, 28 Apr 2004 08:08:37 -0500
Hi, how's everyone doin?
I had responded to an email that Cristian Perrier had sent out earlier lookin for HI translators.
I would like to get working on it, but wasn't too sure on how to even get started as i've never even bothered about foreign languages before.
So, I pushed myself to get it working on Emacs, and soon enough I realized why I had stopped using Emacs in the first place (installed the gettext pkg and everything shows up fine, but all the macros and keystroking just was taking too much time.)
So, Christian suggested I try KBabel. And i tried it, but soon realized I needed to know wth all those .po files REALLY meant. I had thought, before I looked at this, that we just look at a string, translate to Hindi, and that's that. I guess that's not the way.
So, I started from scratch reading the TLDP notes.
Can someone suggest (and I know people on this list can) how I can work on this more effectively? Like the rest of y'all, I'm working, and also studying. So, any suggestions from you would be more than welcome (any particular docs to read, editors to use, packages to get....)
My apologies for the long mail.
Look forward to responses - thanks - have fun.