[Debian-in-workers] Re: [Indlinux-group] ubuntu deb for indic
Jaldhar H. Vyas
Jaldhar H. Vyas" <jaldhar@debian.org
Wed, 8 Dec 2004 15:16:21 -0500 (EST)
On Wed, 8 Dec 2004, Christian Perrier wrote:
> We could thus imagine a indic and a indic-desktop tasks which could be
> used for all indic languages (first starting by Hindi).
> Do you people have suggestions for a list of Debian packages which
> should go into such tasks?
Christian, rather than bother the many readers of this list who don't use
Debian, may I suggest we move this discussion to the
Debian-IN-workers@lists.alioth.debian.org mailing list? (Cc'ed)
Jaldhar H. Vyas <jaldhar@debian.org>
La Salle Debain - http://www.braincells.com/debian/