[Debian-in-workers] Re: [DebianIndia] Debian-IN

Christian Perrier bubulle at debian.org
Mon Aug 22 14:18:18 UTC 2005

> If you feel that there are some more higher priority tasks that need
> prior attention, I'll be glad to take your feedback to see if I can
> participate on them.

Well, experience for other languages has shown that localizing the
Debian Installer (D-I) brings a lot of attention on a language.

My own goal as one of the D-I i18n coordinators is to covers as many
Indic languages, and more generally, as many languages from South and
South-East Asia, as possible.

So, thinking about starting localization efforts of D-I could be one
of the high priority tasks mentioned above.

Currently, we have an initial effort for Hindi and Punjabi (using the
Gurmukhi script for Punjabi).

Hindi was started by Ravishankar Shrivastava and Punjabi by Amanpreet
Singh Alam. I don't remember whether both of them follow this list
(debian-in-workers), so that's why I CC them...

The discussions I had with Jaldhar at Debconf5 have shown that this
definitely seems to be the time we can federate energies to make
Debian THE distribution adapted for Linux use in India and surrounding
countries (I also include there Pakistan, given the joined efforts
I've seen in indlinux, as well as all other South Asia countries).

Several signs show that energies are federating....let's continue to
blow on the fire..:-)

PS: while on holidays, I also made some work on tasksel, the tasks
selector used at the end of Debian installs. There will soon be
initial tasks for several new languages....which will probably need to
be completed with more specialized stuff (fonts, of course....or any
stuff related to input methods).

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