[Debian-in-workers] Bengali translation for D-I

Christian Perrier bubulle at debian.org
Tue Nov 1 13:22:52 UTC 2005

> >great. I think ghoseb commited the file (anyway, it's up to him..)
> > 
> >
> The following file is the old one. Or is it not the SVN's one? :-)
> http://people.debian.org/~seppy/d-i/level1/master/bn.po

No, that's the one from SVN. So it looks like ghoseb *didn't* commit
the file yet. Well, just let him the time for doing so.....I don't
want to go over language coordinators and commit myself...at least not
right now.

> >Now time for level 2, then..:-)
> > 
> >
> Level 2 POT files from here?
> http://people.debian.org/~seppy/d-i/level2/POT/

Yes, you're right. You just pick up the POT files there...translate
them and then follow instructions found in D-I i18n documentation
chapter 1 to send them to the packages maintainers.....or use ghoseb
as a proxy for doing so.

> Btw, can we check our translations through this ISO?
> http://people.debian.org/~fjp/d-i/images/daily/gtk-miniiso/

Yes, you can, this is the daily build of the graphical installer.

However, your translations will go in these images very slowly. All
translations are in place in each installe rpackage directory in the
SVN, but not all packages have been rebuilt to include them...and it's
not likely that they will. The team's strategy *for this release* is
not doing translation-only uploads, at least not systematically.

So, you may find that very few Bengali strings appear right now. Sorry
for this, but the Etch Debian Installer beta1 release is under
preparation and we don't change too much things at the same time....

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