[Debian-in-workers] activities at FOSS.in version=3.0.4

Kapil Hari Paranjape kapil at imsc.res.in
Fri Oct 7 10:27:59 UTC 2005


On Fri, 07 Oct 2005, Guntupalli Karunakar wrote:
> Hmm, we could make few hundred copies of CDs ? but question becomes
> what to give in that CD.  u cant give debian in one CD ;-)
> I was thinking of IndLinux Rangoli live CD, can have Sarai to sponsor
> for few hundred copies (say upto 500), but if we can get big a
> sponsor then the CDs could go with delegate kits themselves.
> For Debian DVDs would be good, it might be better to ping some
> magazine to give a debian DVD!

How about having a machine with a CD writer and use something like
dfsbuild/bootcd to generate custom CD's which can demo the mutability of
Debian as well.



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