[Debian-in-workers] Debian-in SVN layout for l10n is in place

Christian Perrier Christian.Perrier at onera.fr
Fri Sep 16 07:56:37 UTC 2005

> I'd like to start looking at the strings already translated. Where
> could I find the already checked in translations. Now, when the SVN
> repository is already in place, shall we make it operational.
> Once I start reviewing and editing/suggesting as required, I could
> guide other people also who might be interested.

I have created a complete layout on svn.debian.org

Checkout command line:

svn co svn://svn.debian.org/svn/debian-in/l10n

(checking out svn://svn.debian.org/svn/debian-in will bring you a
giant mozilla directory..:-))

For users with commit access:
svn co svn+ssh://svn.debian.org/svn/debian-in/l10n

See a micro-doc on SVN at svn.debian.org at

Current layout:

bubulle at kheops:~/src/debian/debian-in/l10n$ find . -type d | grep -v \.svn

So, the idea is having one directory per language plus one for POT

There, we'll first create "debian-installer" and one directory per D-I
"level" (see D-I i18n doc for the definition of levels).

I added the D-I "level1" file in place:

bubulle at kheops:~/src/debian/debian-in/l10n$ ls -l ./hi/debian-installer/level1 ./POT/debian-installer/level1
total 300
-rw-r--r--  1 bubulle users 300964 2005-09-16 09:23 debian-installer_packages_po.po

total 240
-rw-r--r--  1 bubulle users 241065 2005-09-16 09:28 debian-installer_packages_po.pot

I can create the same layout for other languages as well. Languages
coordinators, please request. I suggest creating it as soon as the
language has completed the D-I New Language Process.

This would currently include Bengali, Hindi and Punjabi.

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