Bug#385990: Bug#403404: [Debian-in-workers] Bug#385990: ttf-malayalam-fonts: Add another font to the package

Davide Viti zinosat at tiscali.it
Sun Dec 17 15:14:16 CET 2006

> I could include it in a next NMU of ttf-indic-fonts, aimed at fixing
> #403404, caused by errors in the Rachana font.

With some help from the dejavu developers, I was able to fix the problem
with Racotf04.ttf: you just need to regenerate the ttf file with fontforge

File -> Generate Fonts... (and use "TrueType")

here's a screenshot:

as you can see some glyphs seem to be missing

Here you can also find an udeb containing the regenerated font

hope this helps,
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