[Debian-in-workers] Re: [g-i] Indic scripts

Davide Viti zinosat at tiscali.it
Wed Feb 15 14:07:49 UTC 2006

I did some research to see what it takes to fix Indic languages with
the fonts files currently included in the g-i image. I know we'll
switch to new freesans and/or dejavu and/or nazli: the risk is to end
up with a mess and this is why I wanted to get the most out of we
already have trying to avoid regressions. 

This evening I'll put what follows into practice (i.e. new test iso 

Indic languages currently supported by g-i (see [1] "Indic family 
bn    - Bengali (MuktiNarrow_11-08-2005.ttf: U+0980-U+09FF)
hi    - Hindi (Gargi_1.7.ttf: U+0900-U+097F)
pa_IN - Punjabi (Gumurkhi) (Saab.ttf: U+0A00-U+0A7F)

This means we can (with the help of [2] and [3]):

1) remove the following (which are not used and create conflicts)
* "chandas1-1.ttf" (ttf-devanagari-fonts) [2581648 bytes]
* "lohit_hi.ttf" (ttf-devanagari-fonts) [159812 bytes]
* "lohit_pa.ttf" (ttf-punjabi-fonts) [58240 bytes]

2) strip the following glyphs (to avoid range overlaps):
* FreeSans.ttf: u900:u9ff
* MuktiNarrow_11-08-2005.ttf: u964:u965
* Saab.ttf: u964:u965

3) It's also possible to strip the following (random) glyphs not
used in the g-i (there are certainly others):

Mathematical Operators	(U+2200-U+22FF)
Block Elements		(U+2580-U+259F)

ae_AlMohanad.ttf: u2202:u2265
DejaVuSans-Bold*.ttf: u2202:u2265 u2580:u259F
Gargi_1.7.ttf: u2212 u2219
Saab.ttf: u2212

I also noticed we include
DejaVuSans-BoldOblique.ttf: 858 glyphs   [129360 bytes]
FreeSansBoldOblique.ttf: 790 glyphs   [74588 bytes]

Attilio just confirmed that we do not use boldoblique text
anywhere in the FE, so we can get rid of these as well.


[1] http://wiki.debian.org/DebianInstaller/GUIFonts
[2] svn://svn.debian.org/svn/d-i/trunk/scripts/g-i/unicode_map.sh
[3] http://www.webalice.it/zinosat/map1.xml

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