[Debian-in-workers] Participation in LinuxAsia 2006

Nikhil Prabhakar nipraonline at gmail.com
Wed Jan 18 18:10:23 UTC 2006

On 1/17/06, Mahesh T. Pai <paivakil at gmail.com> wrote:

> Who has the CD  images?  I suggest we give out only  the fist CD; from
> *testing* (Not  Sarge); and being above  to give out  the binaries for
> the amd64  architecture would  be a very  positive advantage.  Also, I
> suggest that  whatever machine which is  going to do  the burning have
> the source cd ISO too.

Hmm..I've Sarge CDs but I can download testing if no one has.Just give me
a green signal :-)

Nikhil Prabhakar

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