Bug#395280: [Debian-in-workers] Bug#395280: Please include the
AnjaliOldLipi font in ttf-malayalam-fonts
pravi.a at gmail.com
Fri Nov 3 13:03:33 CET 2006
2006/10/27, Cibu C J <cibucj at gmail.com>:
> Praveen,
> Could you tell me what is the version of AnjaliOldLipi you use? The latest
> is 0.730 and available at
> http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=5819&package_id=164880
> (I couldn't reproduce the above mentioned problem)
I'm using 0.730 only. The setup I used
Rachana_w01.otf http://plus.sarovar.org/contents/fonts/Rachana_w01.otf
Debian GNU/Linux testing aka etch KDE 3.5.5 GNOME 2.14
> As a side note, font implementation cannot be standardized: for example,
> Anjali and Rachana use two totally different designs. While Rachana
> individually draw each conjunct, Anjali creates its by joining its
> components on the fly. So the rendering engine will follow different
> execution path for these two fonts. This could be the reason for the
> difference in the final output - a bug in the rendering engine.
I'm using QT/KDE. Both Rachana and Anjali needs consonant +
chandrakala + zwj to make it a chillu if it is at the end of a word.
But Rachana doesn't need a zwj if it is in the middle of a word for
example installer
ഇ+ന+്+സ+്+റ+്+റ+ാ+ള+ര+്+ show it correctly in QT/KDE (which is the
best rendering scheme as Mahesh pointed out, pango has many issues)
with Rachana
Rachana http://www.flickr.com/photos/pravi/287626741/
Anjali http://www.flickr.com/photos/pravi/287626739/
But for Anjali it needs a zwj before സ to make a chillu from ന. But
KDE rendering messes the whole thing if you put a zwj in the middle of
any word. So for QT Rachana's implementation of Chillu works correctly
and if you put zwj when chillu comes in the middle of a word it works
for both the fonts but messes up the display completely. May be we can
fix QT to make it work. But I think if code positions for Chillu comes
this might get solved (not sure what other problems it might bring
Hope these helps
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