[Indlinux-group] [Debian-in-workers] Bug#395280: Please include the AnjaliOldLipi font in ttf-malayalam-fonts

Mahesh T. Pai paivakil at yahoo.co.in
Tue Oct 31 17:49:49 CET 2006

(Can we stick to any one list? I am finding this cross posting
tedious. At least, stop sending private copies)

പ്രവീണ്‍‌|Praveen said on Tue, Oct 31, 2006 at 05:32:44PM +0530,:

 > I don't know the details of why Rachana did not allow the
 > modifications.  But AFAIK when you say no rights reserved, it is
 > public domain. You cannot take a GPLed work and put it under public
 > domain.

I will not nit-pick, but ``public domain'' is a bit _more_ than just
``no rights reserved''. And please, who took a GPL'ed work and put it
under public domain?

And please, let us not digress.  We are discussing a package where the
copyright  holders published their  software under  the GPL,  and then
forbade modifications.  That is plain dishonest.  If the allegation is
not  true (even  I have  no first  hand information)  they  could have
issued a denial earlier.

 > Lets include both fonts and end the discussion.

Please, do not force decisions.

 > Soumyadip,
 > As both the fonts comply with DFSG and are good go ahead and
 > include

Rachana font does not comply with the DFSG.

DFSG  is not merely  about licenses  alone.  Debian  has a  history of
removing packages  carrying a  copyleft license because  the copyright
holder (a university) applying their own strange interpretation to the

 Mahesh T. Pai <<>> http://paivakil.blogspot.com/
A: Because it fouls the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
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