[Debian-in-workers] [smc-discuss] New g03 version of Rachana and Meera

Praveen A pravi.a at gmail.com
Sat Jan 26 08:25:43 UTC 2008

2008/1/25, Kartik Mistry <kartik.mistry at gmail.com>:
> Debian-in-workers team is never upstream to any package unless there is
> need to fix things/fonts when upstream is dead.
> Thanks for letting us know. There is no need to create separate Debian
> package for only Malayalam fonts.
> We can add new and updated fonts to ttf-malayalam-fonts. Just let us
> know :P
> Thanks for taking care. We need such more examples!

Thanks. We'll just post here when we release a new version and someone
can do an upload to the repository. Upstream release will have the
debian package so you can just pick up the package and upload, if
there is any improvements needed in packaging we can do it in upstream

Thanks a lot.

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